What does the name Domingos mean? What is the meaning of the name Domingos?
Meaning of Domingos: Name Domingos in the Portuguese origin, means One who is born on Sunday. Name Domingos is of Portuguese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Domingos are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Domingos (Namesakes)
- Domingos Paciência
Domingos José Paciência Oliveira, known simply as Domingos as a player (Portuguese pronunciation: [duˈmĩɣuʃ]; born 2 January 1969), is a Portuguese retired footballer who played as a striker, and a current manager.
- Domingos Chan
Domingos Chan (Chinese: 陳達燊, born September 11, 1970 in Macau) is a former Macanese professional football player who played as a goalkeeper.
- Domingos Nascimento dos Santos Filho
Domingos Nascimento dos Santos Filho (born December 12, 1985 in Muniz Ferreira), or simply Domingos, is a Brazilian central defender who plays for Portuguesa Santista.
- Domingos Gomes
Marcio Gomes Domingos (born 19 July 1978 in Sao Paulo) is a former Brazilian footballer who most recently played for Toronto Lynx in the USL First Division.
- Laila Domingos
Laila Ferrer Domingos (born 30 July 1982 in Pacatuba, Ceará) is a Brazilian javelin thrower.
- Domingos Simões Pereira
Domingos Simões Pereira (born 20 October 1963) was Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau from 2014 to August 2015.
- Domingos Duarte
Domingos de Sousa Coutinho Menezes Duarte (born 10 March 1995) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a central defender for Spanish club Granada CF.
- Afonso Domingos
Afonso Manuel Costa Gaspar da Silva Domingos (born July 29, 1969 in Maputo, Mozambique) is a Portuguese sailor, who specialized in mixed multihull (Nacra 17) and two-person keelboat (Star) classes.
- Domingos Abrantes
Domingos Abrantes Ferreira, generally known as Domingos Abrantes (born 19 January 1936) is a Portuguese Communist politician, currently serving as member of the Portuguese Council of State.
- Domingos Quina
Domingos Quina (born 18 November 1999) is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a midfielder for Watford.
- Domingos Chivavele
Domingos Chivavele (born 12 May 1966) is a Mozambican swimmer.
- Manuel Domingos Augusto
Manuel Domingos Augusto (born 2 September 1957), is an Angolan journalist, politician and diplomat, former Minister of External Relations of Angola.
- Bárbara Domingos
Bárbara de Kassia Godoy Domingos (born (2000-03-02)2 March 2000) is a Brazilian individual rhythmic gymnast.
- Gerson Domingos
Gerson Da-Silva Domingos (born 16 April, 1996) is an Angolan basketball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Domingos Numerology: Name Domingos has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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