What does the name Domagoj mean? What is the meaning of the name Domagoj
Meaning of Domagoj: Name Domagoj in the Croatian origin, means Domagoj is derived from the Slavic elements domu, which means home and gojiti, which means grow, heal, and nurture.. Name Domagoj is of Croatian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Domagoj are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Domagoj: Domagoj is derived from the Slavic elements domu, which means home and gojiti, which means grow, heal, and nurture.
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Famous people with name Domagoj (Namesakes)
- Domagoj Abramović
Domagoj Abramović (Croatian pronunciation: [dômaɡoj abrǎːmoʋitɕ]; born 1 April 1981) is a Croatian footballer who plays for NK Nur Zagreb.
- Domagoj Vida
Domagoj Vida (Croatian pronunciation: [dômaɡoj ʋîːda]; born 29 April 1989) is a Croatian footballer who plays as a defender for Turkish club Beşiktaş and the Croatia national team.
- Domagoj Antolić
Domagoj Antolić (Croatian pronunciation: [dômaɡoj ǎntolitɕ]; born 30 June 1990) is a Croatian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Legia Warsaw in Poland.
- Domagoj Duvnjak
Domagoj Duvnjak (born 1 June 1988) is a Croatian professional handball player for THW Kiel and the Croatian national team.
He became a member of the Croatia national team at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.
- Domagoj Pušić
Domagoj Pušić (born 24 October 1991) is a Croatian football midfielder, currently playing for Sūduva in the A Lyga.
- Domagoj Torbarina
Domagoj Torbarina (born April 1, 1992 in Zagreb, Croatia) is a Croatian footballer currently playing for NK GOŠK Dubrovnik 1919.
- Domagoj Pavičić
- Domagoj Bošnjak
Domagoj Bošnjak (born April 9, 1995) is a Croatian professional basketball player currently playing for Široki of the Basketball Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ABA League Second Division.
- Domagoj Franić
Domagoj Franić (born 17 August 1993) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Czech First League club Slovácko.
- Domagoj Šarić
Domagoj Šarić (born 4 April 1999) is a Croatian professional basketball player who currently plays for Šibenka of the Croatian League.
- Domagoj Boljat
Domagoj Boljat (born 25 January 1991) is a Croatian football player.
- Domagoj Vuković
Domagoj Vuković (born October 29, 1993) is a Croatian professional basketball player for Zadar of the Croatian League.
- Domagoj Bulat
Domagoj Bulat (born 17 January 1996) is a Croatian water polo player.
- Domagoj Bradarić
Domagoj Bradarić (Croatian pronunciation: [dômaɡoj brǎdaritɕ]; born 10 December 1999) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays for Lille OSC as a full back.
- Domagoj Drožđek
Domagoj Drožđek (born 20 March 1996) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays for NK Varaždin in the Croatian First Football League on loan from Lokomotiva Zagreb.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Domagoj Numerology: Name Domagoj has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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