What does the name Dinu mean? What is the meaning of the name Dinu
Meaning of Dinu: Name Dinu in the Greek, Romanian origin, means A variant of Dionisie, meaning Greek god of wine.. Name Dinu is of Greek, Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dinu are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Dinu (Namesakes)
- Dinu Pescariu
Dinu Mihail Pescariu (born 12 April 1974) is a former tennis player from Romania, who turned professional in 1991.
- Cornel Dinu
Cornel Dinu (born 2 August 1948) is a retired Romanian football defender.
- Dinu Todoran
Dinu Marius Todoran (born 8 September 1978 in Brașov) is a Romanian former footballer.
- Marian Dinu
Marian Dinu (born 15 August 1965) is a Romanian football coach and former player.
- Bogdan Dinu
Bogdan Marius Dinu (born August 15, 1986 in Buzău) is a Romanian professional boxer in the heavyweight division.
- Luminița Dinu
Luminița Dinu (née Huțupan; born 6 November 1971 in Piatra Neamț) is a Romanian handball player.
- Dinu Sănmărtean
Dinu Sănmărtean (born 28 July 1981) is a former Romanian footballer.
- Cristina Dinu
Cristina Dinu (born 18 January 1993) is a professional Romanian tennis player.
- Ciprian Dinu
Ciprian Dinu (born 27 May 1982) is a Romanian footballer who plays for Liga IV club Flacăra Horezu.
- Viorel Dinu
Viorel Dinu, also known as Viorel Dinu II, (born 17 March 1980) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a striker.
- Dinu Moldovan
Dinu Bogdan Moldovan (born 3 May 1990) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Chindia Târgoviște.
- Loredana Dinu
Loredana Dinu (born Iordăchioiu; born 2 April 1984) is a retired Romanian épée fencer, twice World champion and twice European champion with Romania.
- Dinu Graur
Dinu Graur (born 27 December 1994 in Chișinău) is a Moldovan footballer who plays for Astra Giurgiu and the Moldova national team, as a defender.
- Vinay Dinu Tendulkar
Vinay Dinu Tendulkar is an Indian politician who is a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party from Goa.
- Cornel Dinu (footballer, born 1989)
Cornel Dinu (born 9 June 1989) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Chindia Târgoviște.
- Gabriela Dinu
Gabriela Groell-Dinu (born 16 April 1960) is a German former professional tennis player.
- Dinu Popescu
Dinu Popescu (born 27 June 1949) is a Romanian water polo player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Dinu Numerology: Name Dinu has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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