What does the name Dinesh mean? What is the meaning of the name Dinesh
Meaning of Dinesh: Name Dinesh in the Indian origin, means Sun, God Of The Day. Name Dinesh is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dinesh are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Dinesh (Namesakes)
- Dinesh D'Souza
Dinesh Joseph D'Souza (; born April 25, 1961) is an Indian-born American author, filmmaker, pardoned convicted felon, and conspiracy theorist, often described as a far right political provocateur.
- Dinesh Mongia
Dinesh Mongia pronunciation (born 17 April 1977) is a former Indian cricketer who has appeared in limited over internationals for India.
- Dinesh Paliwal
Dinesh C. Paliwal (born December 17, 1957) is an Indian American business executive.
- Dinesh Patel
Dinesh Kumar Patel (born 8 May 1989, in Lucknow, India) is an Indian right-handed baseball pitcher who played in the Pittsburgh Pirates organization.
- Dinesh Hingoo
Dinesh Hingoo (born 13 April 1940) is a Bollywood actor who had played mainly comic roles.
- Dinesh Karthik
Dinesh Karthik (born 1 June 1985) is an Indian wicket-keeper and batsman who made his debut for the Indian cricket team in 2004.
- Dinesh Kaushik
Dinesh Kaushik (born 27 May 1957) is an Indian actor.
- Dinesh Gundu Rao
Dinesh Gundu Rao (born 9 October 1969) is an Indian politician from INC. He is a former President of Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee.and the member of Karnataka Legislative Assembly.
- Dinesh Kumar (choreographer)
Dinesh Kumar (mononymously known as Dinesh) is an Indian choreographer working with South Indian films, including Tamil films.
- Dinesh Phadnis
Dinesh Phadnis (born 2 November 1966) is a television actor from India.
- Dinesh Lal Yadav
Dinesh Lal Yadav (born 2 February 1979) also known as Nirahua, is an Indian actor, Bhojpuri film actor, singer, film producer, television presenter, and politician.
- Dinesh Sharma (politician)
Dinesh Sharma is an Indian politician serving as the Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
- Thalapathy Dinesh
Thalapathy Dinesh (also spelled Thalapathi Dinesh) is an Indian fight master/action choreographer who works mainly in Tamil cinema.
- Dinesh Mehta
Dinesh Mehta is an Indian Bollywood and television actor.
- Dinesh Agarwal
- Dinesh Sharma (actor)
Dinesh Sharma (Nepali: दिनेश शार्मा) is a Nepalese film actor, producer, director and television personality.
- Dinesh Nandwana
Dinesh Nandwana (born 28 March 1963 in Kota, Rajasthan) is an Indian first generation entrepreneur, currently the Executive Chairman of Vakrangee Limited, an Indian technology company.
- Dinesh Khanna (director)
Dinesh Khanna is an Indian theater director and acting teacher at the National School of Drama.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Dinesh Numerology: Name Dinesh has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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