What does the name Din mean? What is the meaning of the name Din
Meaning of Din: Name Din in the Indian origin, means Dimple; small indication that forms in the cheek. Name Din is of Indian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Din are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Din (Namesakes)
- Zinedine Zidane
Zinedine Yazid Zidane (French pronunciation: [zinedin jazid zidan]; born 23 June 1972), popularly known in French as Zizou (pronounced [zizu]), is a French former professional football player who played as an attacking midfielder.
- Din Thomas
Din Yero Thomas (born September 28, 1976) is a retired American mixed martial artist who was featured on The Ultimate Fighter 4: The Comeback.
- Din Din Aviv
Din Din Aviv (Hebrew: דין דין אביב, born 9 October 1974 as Dina Aviv) is an Israeli pop and folk singer.
- Zameer Uddin Shah
Lieutenant General Zameer Uddin Shah, PVSM, SM, VSM is a retired senior General of the Indian Army.
- Dindin Moreno
- Nafees Din
Nafees Ahmed Din (born 6 May 1981) is a former English cricketer.
- Sharifuddin Shariq
Sharifuddin Shariq (Urdu: شآرافودان شارق; born 13 March 1935) is an Indian politician and member of Jammu & Kashmir National Conference.
- Mohd Yusof Din
Tuan Haji Mohd Yusof Din is the Director of the Wasatiyyah Institute Malaysia.
- Ashraf Din
Ashraf Din (born 15 May 1970) is a Dutch Pakistani cricket umpire.
- DinDin
Lim Cheol (born November 20, 1991), better known by his stage name DinDin, is a South Korean rapper and a television personality.
- Din Minimi
Nurdin bin Ismail Amat (born 10 August 1979), better known as Din Minimi, is a former militant of Free Aceh Movement who led an armed band based in Aceh during the 2010s.
- Din Zahur
Din Zahur (born 19 January 1933) is a Pakistani wrestler.
- Din Nawab
Din Nawab (born 23 October 1935) is a Pakistani wrestler.
- Muhammad Niaz-Din
Muhammad Niaz-Din (born 10 July 1940) is a Pakistani wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Din Numerology: Name Din has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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