What does the name Dimitra mean? What is the meaning of the name Dimitra?
Meaning of Dimitra: Name Dimitra in the Greek origin, means Nurturing one; one who loves travel and adventure. Name Dimitra is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Dimitra are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dimitra: Nurturing one; one who loves travel and adventure
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Famous people with name Dimitra (Namesakes)
- Dimitra Korri
Dimitra Korri (born July 17, 1992) is a Greek figure skater who represents Greece in ladies' singles.
- Dimitra Asilian
Dimitra Asilian (born July 10, 1972 in Piraeus) is a retired female Greek water polo player and Olympic silver medalist with the Greek national team.
- Dimitra Kalentzou
Dimitra Kalentzou (Δήμητρα (Τούλα) Καλέντζου) is a retired Greek professional basketball player.
- Dimitra Tsiliaskopoulos
- Dimitra Panteliadou
Dimitra Panteliadou is a Greek football striker currently playing in the Greek Championship for Aris Thessaloniki, with whom she has played the Champions League.
- Dimitra Manganoudaki
Dimitra Manganoudaki (born 26 March 1979) is a Greek fencer.
- Dimitra Dova
Dimitra Dova (Greek: Δήμητρα Ντόβα; born July 2, 1974 in Athens) is a Greek sprinter, who specialized in the 400 metres.
- Dimitra Arapoglou
Dimitra Arapoglou (Greek: Δήμητρα Αράπογλου) is a Greek politician.
- Dimitra Galani
Dimitra Galani [gr: Δήμητρα Γαλάνη] is a Greek singer and composer.
Galani was born 1952 in Athens and started her musical career, aged 16, with creations of Dimos Moutsis and Nikos Gatsos released on album 'A Smile' [gr: 'Ενα χαμόγελο'].
Subsequently, she participated in Manos Hatzidakis' 1971 album "Land of Gold" [gr: 'Της Γης Το Χρυσάφι'], singing six songs from the twelve included in album.
- Dimitra Patapi
Dimitra Patapi (born (1992-02-03)3 February 1992) is a Greek female track cyclist.
- Dimitra Kafalidou
Dimitra Kafalidou (born (1991-08-20)20 August 1991) was a Greek group rhythmic gymnast.
- Dimitra Giakoumi
Dimitra Giakoumi (Greek: Δήμητρα Γιακουμή; born November 26, 1982 in Athens, Greece) is a female professional volleyball player from Greece, who has been a member of the Greece women's national volleyball team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Dimitra Numerology: Name Dimitra has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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