What does the name Dilan mean? What is the meaning of the name Dilan
Meaning of Dilan: Name Dilan in the French, Welsh origin, means One who is near the sea; healthy. Name Dilan is of French, Welsh origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dilan are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dilan: One who is near the sea; healthy
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Famous people with name Dilan (Namesakes)
- Erik Martin Dilan
Erik Martin Dilan (born May 11, 1974) is an American politician.
- Martin Malave Dilan
Martin Malavé Dilan (born September 12, 1950) is a former member of the New York State Senate representing the 17th and 18th Senate Districts.
- Dilan Perera
Boddhiya Baduge Dilan Priyanjan Anslam Perera (born 19 April 1962) (known as Dilan Perera), MP is the former Sri Lankan Non-Cabinet Minister of Port Development.
- Dilan Fernando
Dilan Shameera Fernando Arsakulasuriya (born 23 April 1985) is a Sri Lankan-born Italian cricketer.
- Dilan Deniz Gökçek
Dilan Deniz Gökçek İşcan (born 1976) is a Turkish female referee and sports instructor from profession.
- Dilan Zúñiga
Dilan Patricio Zúñiga Espinoza (born 26 July 1996) is a Chilean footballer that currently plays for Primera División club Everton as a left back.
- Dilan Jayalath
Dilan Jayalath (born 27 January 1997) is a Sri Lankan cricketer.
- Dilan Qela
- Şehnaz Dilan
Şehnaz Dilan (born Şehnaz Vreskala on August 27, 1960) is a Turkish former women's footballer, model, film and TV actress and singer.
- Dilan Chandima
Dilan Chandima (born 12 February 1990) is a Sri Lankan cricketer.
- Dilan Suraweera
Dilan Suraweera (born 31 August 1997) is a Sri Lankan cricketer.
- Dilan Ağgül
Dilan Ağgül (born 3 August 1998) is a Turkish women's football midfielder currently playing in the Germany's 2.
- Dilan Ortiz
Dilan Andrés Ortiz Aragón (born 15 March 2000) is a Colombian football forward who plays for Čukarički on loan from Atlético Nacional.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Dilan Numerology: Name Dilan has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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