What does the name Dick mean? What is the meaning of the name Dick?
Meaning of Dick: Name Dick in the German origin, means A brave and powerful person; one who rules. Name Dick is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dick are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dick: A brave and powerful person; one who rules
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Famous people with name Dick (Namesakes)
- Dick Smothers
Richard Remick Smothers (born November 20, 1939) is an American actor, comedian, composer and musician.
- Dick Durbin
Richard Joseph Durbin (born November 21, 1944) is an American attorney and politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Illinois, a seat he was first elected to in 1996.
- Dick Van Dyke
Richard Wayne Van Dyke (born December 13, 1925) is an American actor, comedian, writer, singer, and dancer, whose award-winning career has spanned seven decades.
- Andy Dick
Andrew Roane Dick (born Andrew Thomlinson, December 21, 1965) is an American comedian, actor, musician, and television and film producer.
- Dick Clement
Dick Clement (born 5 September 1937) is an English writer known for his writing partnership with Ian La Frenais.
- Dick Butkus
Richard Marvin Butkus (born December 9, 1942) is an American former football player, sports commentator, and actor.
- Dick Advocaat
Dirk Nicolaas Advocaat (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈdɪk ˌɑtfoːˈkaːt] (listen); born 27 September 1947) is a Dutch former football player and current head coach of Feyenoord.
- Dick Celeste
Richard Frank "Dick" Celeste (born November 11, 1937) is an American former diplomat, university administrator and politician from Ohio.
- Dick Vitale
Richard John "Dick" Vitale (; born June 9, 1939), also known as "Dickie V", is an American basketball sportscaster.
- Dick Cavett
Richard Alva Cavett (; born November 19, 1936) is an American television personality, comedian and former talk show host notable for his conversational style and in-depth discussions.
- Dick Wolf
Richard Anthony Wolf (born December 20, 1946) is an American television producer, best known as the creator and executive producer of the Law & Order franchise.
- Dick Strawbridge
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Francis Strawbridge, MBE (born 3 September 1959) is a British engineer, television presenter, environmentalist and former army officer.
- Dick Taylor
Richard Clifford Taylor (born 28 January 1943) is an English musician, best known as the guitarist and founding member of the Pretty Things.
- Dick DeVos
Richard Marvin DeVos Jr. (born October 21, 1955) is an American entrepreneur, businessman and author.
- Dick Vermeil
Richard Albert Vermeil (; born October 30, 1936) is an American former football head coach for the National Football League's Philadelphia Eagles (1976–1982), St.
- Cressida Dick
Dame Cressida Rose Dick (born 16 October 1960) is a British police officer who in 2017 was appointed Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) in London.
- Dick Cheney
Richard Bruce Cheney (; born January 30, 1941) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 46th vice president of the United States from 2001 to 2009.
- Magic Dick
Richard Salwitz (born May 13, 1945), known as Magic Dick, is an American musician, noted for playing the harmonica for the J. Geils Band.
- Dick Donato
Richard Louis Donato (born June 24, 1963) is a bar manager and podcaster from Los Angeles, California.
- Dick Carson
Richard Charles Carson (born June 4, 1929) is an American television director.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Dick Numerology: Name Dick has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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