What does the name Dhawan mean? What is the meaning of the name Dhawan
Meaning of Dhawan: Name Dhawan in the Indian origin, means White; Bright and Lustrous; Pure; Clean. Name Dhawan is of Indian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Dhawan (Namesakes)
- David Dhawan
David Dhawan (born Rajinder Dhawan on 16 August 1955) is an Indian film director who works in Hindi films.
- Sacha Dhawan
Sacha Dhawan (; born 1 May 1984) is an English stage, screen and voice actor from Greater Manchester.
- Shikhar Dhawan
Shikhar Dhawan (born 5 December 1985) is an Indian international cricketer.
- Varun Dhawan
Varun Dhawan (born 24 April 1987) is an Indian actor.
- Anil Dhawan
Anil Dhawan is an Indian film and television actor, most known for his debut film, Chetna (1970) and Piya Ka Ghar (1972).
He is remembered on the silver screen for the song "Yeh Jeevan Hai" in the movie Piya Ka Ghar (1972) with actress Jaya Bhaduri.
- Rishi Dhawan
Rishi Dhawan (born 19 February 1990) is an Indian cricketer who plays first-class and List A cricket for Himachal Pradesh.
- Ruhanika Dhawan
Ruhanika Dhawan is an Indian television child actress.
- Ashish Dhawan
Ashish Dhawan (born March 10, 1969) is an Indian private equity investor and philanthropist who co-founded and ran one of India's leading private equity funds, Chrysalis Capital (ChrysCapital).
- Harmohan Dhawan
Harmohan Dhawan is an Indian politician and Former Member of Parliament from Chandigarh, India.
- Raghav Dhawan
Raghav Dhawan (born 8 January 1987 in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh) is an Indian cricketer who plays first-class and List A cricket for Himachal Pradesh since 2014.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Dhawan Numerology: Name Dhawan has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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