What does the name Denton mean? What is the meaning of the name Denton?
Meaning of Denton: Name Denton in the English origin, means Name of a town in the valley; green. Name Denton is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Denton are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Denton (Namesakes)
- Nick Denton
Nicholas Guido Anthony Denton (born 24 August 1966) is a British Internet entrepreneur, journalist and blogger, the founder and former proprietor of the blog collective Gawker Media, and was the managing editor of the New York-based Gawker.com, until a lawsuit by Hulk Hogan bankrupted the company.
- Kelly Denton
Kelly Denton (born March 10, 1973 in Bristol, Virginia) is an American stock car racing driver who competed in NASCAR between 1996 and 2002.
- Derek Denton
Derek Ashworth Denton (born 27 May 1924) is an Australian scientist known for elucidation of the regulation of the electrolyte pattern of the extracellular fluid, the hormones controlling it, particularly aldosterone, and the instinctive behaviours controlling apt intake of water and salts.
- Michael Denton
Michael John Denton (born 25 August 1943) is a British-Australian proponent of intelligent design and a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture.
- Will Denton
Will Denton (born February 2, 1990) is an American film and television actor.
Best known for playing the role of Leopold Cain in the television series Kidnapped (2006), his credits also include the films Robots (2005), Palindromes (2004), Kinsey (2004), and The Post (2017).
Denton, who currently lives in Brooklyn, New York, attended The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
He appeared in Camp Hope, a horror/thriller film starring Dana Delany (his on-screen mother in Kidnapped).
- Bobby E. Denton
Bobby E. Denton is a former Democratic member of the Alabama Senate, who represented the 1st District since 1978, and was the Dean of the Senate, an honorary title.
- James Denton
James Thomas Denton Jr. (born January 20, 1963) is an American actor.
- Tim Denton
Timothy Jerome Denton, Sr. (born February 2, 1973) is a former American football defensive back in the National Football League for the Washington Redskins and the San Diego Chargers.
- Randy Denton
Randall Drew Denton (born February 18, 1949) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Allegra Denton
Allegra Denton (born July 27, 1986) is a Canadian former child actress most notable for her role in the TV movie Hidden in America.
- Denton Vassell
Denton Vassell (Born 13 September 1984) is a British welterweight boxer, based in Ancoats, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Frank Denton
Frank Trevor Denton (born October 27, 1930), is a Canadian economist.
- Denton Brock
Denton John Brock (born 10 July 1971) is a former English cricketer.
- Alec Denton
Alec Sam Denton (born 30 July 1994) is an English footballer who plays as a forward.
- Tyler Denton
Tyler Jake Denton (born 6 September 1995) is an English professional footballer who plays as a left-back for League Two club Stevenage.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Denton Numerology: Name Denton has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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