What does the name Delphine mean? What is the meaning of the name Delphine?
Meaning of Delphine: Name Delphine in the French, Greek origin, means Place where oracle of Apollo appeared. Name Delphine is of French, Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Delphine are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Delphine (Namesakes)
- Delphine Lansac
Delphine Lansac (born 18 July 1995) is a French badminton player.
- Delphine Depardieu
Delphine Depardieu (born 8 March 1979) is a French actress.
- Delphine Boël
Delphine Michèle Anne Marie Ghislaine, Jonkvrouw Boël (born 22 February 1968) is a Belgian artist.
- Delphine Arnault
Delphine Arnault (born 4 April 1975) is a French businesswoman, director and executive vice president of Louis Vuitton (LVMH Group).
- Delphine Batho
Delphine Batho (born 23 March 1973 in Paris) is a French politician, member of the National Assembly and former Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.
- Delphine Py-Bilot
Delphine Py-Bilot (born 27 January 1979 in Montpellier) is a French professional triathlete.
- Delphine Chanéac
Delphine Chanéac (born 14 November 1978) is a French model, actress and disc jockey.
- Delphine Wespiser
Delphine Wespiser (born 3 January 1992) is a French model, television presenter and politician.
- Delphine de Vigan
Delphine de Vigan (born 1 March 1966) is a French novelist.
- Delphine Guehl
Delphine Guehl (born 30 July 1978) is a French handball player.
- Delphine Ernotte
Delphine Ernotte (born 28 July 1966) is a French telecommunications and media executive.
- Belle Delphine
Mary-Belle Kirschner (born 23 October 1999), better known by her online alias Belle Delphine, is an English Internet personality, model, and YouTuber.
- Delphine Cascarino
Delphine Cascarino (born 5 February 1997) is a French women's association football player from Saint-Priest, Rhône.
- Delphine O
Delphine O (born 25 December 1985) is a French politician and a member of the French National Assembly, who represents Paris.
- Ridhima
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Delphine Numerology: Name Delphine has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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