What does the name Delia mean? What is the meaning of the name Delia
Meaning of Delia: Name Delia in the Celtic, Welsh, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin, means An island where Goddess are bron. Name Delia is of Celtic, Welsh, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is a Girl name. People with name Delia are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Delia (Namesakes)
- Delia Gonzalez
Delia 'Chikita' Gonzalez (born November 20, 1971) is an American former flyweight female boxer.
- Delia Smith
Delia Ann Smith (born 18 June 1941) is an English cook and television presenter, known for teaching basic cookery skills in a no-nonsense style.
- Delia Ephron
Delia Ephron ( EF-rən; born July 12, 1944) is an American bestselling author, screenwriter, and playwright.
- Joe Delia
Joseph Delia (born October 11, 1948) is an American singer, musician, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and arranger.
- Delia Arnold
Delia Arnold (born 26 January 1986 in Kuala Lumpur) is a professional squash player who represented Malaysia.
- Delia Lawrie
Delia Phoebe Lawrie (born 30 July 1966) is an Australian politician.
- Delia Garcia
Delia Garcia (born May 13, 1977) is an American official currently serving as the Kansas Secretary of Labor.
- Delia Matache
Delia Matache (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈdeli.a maˈtake], born 7 February 1982), known by the stage name of Delia, is a Romanian singer-songwriter, dancer and philanthropist.
- Delia Boccardo
Delia Boccardo (born 29 January 1948) is an Italian film, television and stage actress.
- Delia Reinhardt
Delia Reinhardt (born 27 August 1947) is a retired German diver.
- Delia Razon
Delia Razon (born Lucy May Grytz; born August 8, 1931) is a Filipino actress born to a German father and a Filipino-Spanish mother.
- Moira Delia
Moira Delia (born 7 October 1971 in Malta) is a Maltese television presenter and actress.
- Delia Casanova
Delia Casanova (born Delia Margarita Casanova Mendiola on November 4, 1948 in Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Delia Fiallo
Delia Fiallo (born 4 July 1924) is a Cuban author and screenwriter who lives in Miami, Florida.
- Collin Delia
Collin Delia (born June 20, 1994) is an American professional ice hockey goaltender who is currently playing for the Rockford IceHogs of the American Hockey League (AHL) while under contract to the Chicago Blackhawks of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Adrian Delia
Adrian Delia, (born 8 August 1969, in Sliema, Malta) is a Maltese politician, and lawyer by profession.
- Delia Domínguez
Delia Domínguez Mohr (born 11 August 1931) is a Chilean poet, a member of her country's literary Generation of '50.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Delia Numerology: Name Delia has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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