What does the name Dela mean? What is the meaning of the name Dela?
Meaning of Dela: Name Dela in the Romanian origin, means Dela is a variant of the name Andrew and means manly and brave.. Name Dela is of Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dela are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dela: Dela is a variant of the name Andrew and means manly and brave.
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Famous people with name Dela (Namesakes)
- Angelika Dela Cruz
Maria Lourdes Egger dela Cruz-Casareo, better known by her screen name Angelika Dela Cruz (born 29 October 1981), is a Filipina actress and singer.
- Gaby Dela Merced
Gabrielle Dela Merced (born June 10, 1982) better known as Gaby, is a Filipina Formula Three racecar driver, model and TV personality.
- Dianne dela Fuente
Dianne dela Fuente (born November 18, 1981) is a Filipino actress and singer.
- Anton dela Paz
Anton dela Paz (born June 6, 1986) is a Filipino TV personality.
- Maybelyn dela Cruz
Maybelyn dela Cruz (born December 20, 1982) is a Filipina actress in movies and television shows in the Philippines.
- Donovan Dela Cruz
Donovan M. Dela Cruz (born July 6, 1973 in Wahiawa, Hawaii) is an American politician and a Democratic member of the Hawaii Senate since January 19, 2011 representing District 22.
- Ingrid dela Paz
Ingrid dela Paz (born April 10, 1994) is a Filipino actress of Spanish-Filipino descent forming ABS-CBN Star Magic Circle 2013.
- Maria dela Cruz
Maria dela Cruz is a Filipino-American international footballer who plays as a goalkeeper.
- Arthur dela Cruz
Arthur A. Dela Cruz Jr. (born May 9, 1992) is a Filipino professional basketball player for the Barangay Ginebra San Miguel of the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA).
- Rome dela Rosa
Rome Adler dela Rosa (born December 11, 1990) is a Filipino professional basketball player for the Magnolia Hotshots of the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA).
- Xtian Dela
Aurther Mandela (born 18 February 1990), better known as Xtian Dela, is a Kenyan YouTuber, blogger, social media personality and a radio presenter.
- Ronald dela Rosa
Ronald Marapon dela Rosa (born January 21, 1962), also known as Bato (lit. ' The Rock'), is a Filipino politician and retired Police General who is currently serving as Senator of the Philippines since 2019.
- Mika Dela Cruz
Mariko Nicolette Egger dela Cruz (born 9 December 1998), known as Mika dela Cruz, is a Japanese-born Filipino actress, model and singer.
- Moira Dela Torre
Moira Rachelle Bustamante Cruzado Dela Torre (born November 4, 1993) is a Filipina singer-songwriter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Dela Numerology: Name Dela has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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