What does the name Dawood mean? What is the meaning of the name Dawood?
Meaning of Dawood: Name Dawood in the Arabic origin, means Name of a Prophet; has deep inner desires. Name Dawood is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dawood: Name of a Prophet; has deep inner desires
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Famous people with name Dawood (Namesakes)
- Dawood Saad
Dawood Saad Salman Mohamed Saad (born 9 July 1986 in Riffa, Bahrain) is Bahraini footballer.
- DaWood
David Dawood (born 31 December 1981), known professionally as DaWood, is an English DJ/producer Songwriter.
- Dawood Sarkhosh
Dawood Sarkhosh (also spelled as Daud Sarkhosh (Dari-Persian: داوود سرخوش) born 26 April 1971 in Urozgan, Afghanistan) is a singer, musician and poet.
- Ismail Dawood
Ismail Dawood (born 23 July 1976, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England) is a former professional first-class cricketer, who later played for Cheshire County Cricket Club.
- Basheer Segu Dawood
Basheer Segu Dawood (Bazir Ceegu Dhawood) is a Sri Lankan politician and Member of Parliament.
- Dawood Ibrahim
Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar ( (listen); born 26 December 1955) is a Mumbai underworld figure, criminal mobster and drug dealer most wanted by India with a reward of $25 million over his head, and has been wanted since 1994.
- Mohammed Dawood Khatri
Mohammed Dawood Khatri is an Indian Master craftsman born on (1974-01-01)January 1, 1974 in Bagh, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Dawood Ali
Dawood Ali (Arabic:داوود علي) (born 29 December 1983) is an Emirati footballer.
- Junaid Dawood
Junaid Dawood (born 2 October 1996) is a South African cricketer.
- Hassen Dawood
Hassen Dawood (born 28 June 1976) is a South African cricket umpire.
- Attiya Dawood
Attiya Dawood (Urdu: عطیہ داؤد b.
- Mohammed Dawood Yaseen
Mohammed Dawood Yaseen (Arabic: محمد داود ياسين, born 22 November 2000), is an Iraqi footballer who plays as a forward.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Dawood Numerology: Name Dawood has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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