What does the name Davor mean? What is the meaning of the name Davor
Meaning of Davor: Name Davor in the Slavic origin, means God of war; one who has conqured joys and sorrows. Name Davor is of Slavic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Davor are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Davor (Namesakes)
- Davor Šuker
Davor Šuker (Croatian pronunciation: [dâʋor ʃǔːker] (listen); born 1 January 1968) is a Croatian former professional footballer and the current president of the Croatian Football Federation, a position he has held since July 2012.
- Davor Džalto
Davor Džalto (Serbian Cyrillic: Давор Џалто; born 17 May 1980) is a Yugoslav artist, art historian, theologian and liberal philosopher.
- Davor Vugrinec
Davor Vugrinec (born 24 March 1975) is a Croatian former professional footballer.
- Davor Domazet-Lošo
Davor Domazet-Lošo (Sinj, 1 May 1948) is a Croatian military and politician, former admiral of the Yugoslav Navy and then Croatian Navy.
- Davor Jozić
Davor Jozić (born 22 September 1960) is a Bosnian-Herzegovinian former footballer.
- Davor Kus
Davor Kus (born July 21, 1978) is a Croatian former professional basketball player.
- Davor Magoč
- Davor Krznarić
- Davor Čop
Davor Čop (born 31 October 1958 in Rijeka) is a former Croatian football player and a current manager.
- Davor Bernardić
Davor Bernardić (born 5 January 1980) is a Croatian physicist and politician who has been President of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) - the largest centre-left political party in Croatia, and Leader of the Opposition since November 2016.
- Davor Štern
Davor Štern (born 18 June 1947 in Zagreb, Croatia) is a former Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship in the Croatian Government, businessman and entrepreneur.
- Davor Božinović
Davor Božinović (born 27 December 1961) is a Croatian diplomat currently serving as Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia since 2017.
- Davor Bratić
Davor Bratić (born 1 May 1987, Vukovar) is a Croatian footballer who currently plays for Kapfenberger SV in the Austrian Football First League.
- Davor Matić
Davor Matić (born 28 October 1959) is a Croatian association football manager and former player.
- Davor Dželalija
Davor Dželalija is a former Croatian footballer and a current manager of NK Krk.
During his club career he played for numerous clubs in Croatia and has also had two years with CD Toledo in Spain and a year in Singapore.
- Davor Badrov
Davor Badrov (born 21 September 1992) is a Bosnian folk singer whose musical career started in 2007, when he was 15 years old.
- Davor Lamešić
Davor Lamešić (born October 24, 1983) is a Bosnian-Austrian professional basketball player for WBC Raiffeisen Wels since 2008.
- Davor Blažević
Davor Blažević (born 7 February 1993) is a Croatian-Swedish footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Hammarby IF in Allsvenskan.
- Davor Janjić
Davor Janjić (born 18 November 1969) is a Bosnian actor.
- Davor Lovren
Davor Lovren (Croatian pronunciation: [dâʋor lǒʋren]; born 3 October 1998) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays for Slaven Belupo on loan from Fortuna Düsseldorf.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Davor Numerology: Name Davor has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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