What does the name Dariusz mean? What is the meaning of the name Dariusz?
Meaning of Dariusz: Name Dariusz in the Lithuanian, Slavic origin, means A protector. Name Dariusz is of Lithuanian, Slavic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Dariusz (Namesakes)
- Dariusz Michalczewski
Dariusz Michalczewski (born 5 May 1968) is a Polish-German former professional boxer who competed from 1991 to 2005.
- Dariusz Rosati
Dariusz Kajetan Rosati ['darjuʂ rɔsati] (listen) (born 8 August 1946 in Radom as Gaetano Dario Rosati) is a Polish professor of economics and a politician who was a member of the European Parliament (elected on 13 June 2004).
- Dariusz Adamczuk
Dariusz Adamczuk (born 21 October 1969 in Szczecin) is a former Polish professional footballer.
- Dariusz Dudka
Dariusz Dudka (Polish pronunciation: [ˈdarjuʐ ˈdutka]; born 9 December 1983) is a Polish footballer who plays for Lech II Poznań in III liga.
- Dariusz Dziekanowski
Dariusz Paweł Dziekanowski (born 30 September 1962) is a Polish football player, coach and commentator.
- Dariusz Kubicki
Dariusz Jan Kubicki (born 6 June 1963 in Kożuchów) is a Polish football manager and a former player.
- Dariusz Wolski
Dariusz Adam Wolski (born 7 May 1956) is a Polish film and music video cinematographer.
- Dariusz Wdowczyk
Dariusz Wdowczyk (born 25 September 1962) is a Polish football player and coach, who was previously the manager of Piast Gliwice.
- Dariusz Dudek
Dariusz Dudek (born 8 April 1975 in Knurów) is a retired Polish footballer and current manager.
- Dariusz Popiela
Dariusz Bogusław "Darek" Popiela (born 27 July 1985) is a Polish slalom canoeist who has competed at the international level since 1999.
- Duscha
- Dariusz Pasieka
Dariusz Pasieka (born 3 August 1965, in Chojnice) is a Polish former professional footballer and now a football manager, currently working for Ekstraklasa club Cracovia.
- Dariusz Kołodziej
Dariusz Kołodziej (born April 17, 1982 in Kraków) is a Polish retired football player.
- Dariusz Łatka
Dariusz Łatka (born September 14, 1978 in Kraków) is a Polish retired football player.
- Dariusz Trela
Dariusz Trela (born 5 December 1989) is a Polish footballer who plays as a Goalkeeper for Bruk-Bet Termalica Nieciecza.
- Dariusz Formella
Dariusz Formella (born 21 October 1995) is a Polish footballer who plays as a striker or left winger, currently for Sacramento Republic FC in the USL Championship.
- Dariusz Jemielniak
Dariusz Jemielniak (born March 17, 1975) is a full professor of management, the head of the Center for Research on Organizations and Workplaces (CROW), and a founder of New Research on Digital Societies (NeRDS) group at Kozminski University.
- Dariusz Zjawiński
Dariusz Zjawiński (born 19 August 1986) is a Polish footballer who plays as a forward for I liga side Znicz Pruszków.
- Dariusz Sęk
Dariusz Sęk (born 22 July 1986) is a Polish professional boxer who fights at light-heavyweight.
- Dariusz Gajewski
Dariusz Gajewski (born 3 December 1964, Częstochowa) is a Polish film director and screenwriter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Dariusz Numerology: Name Dariusz has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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