What does the name Dar mean? What is the meaning of the name Dar
Meaning of Dar: Name Dar in the Hebrew origin, means A Pearl. Name Dar is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dar are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Dar (Namesakes)
- Dar Williams
Dorothy Snowden "Dar" Williams (born April 19, 1967) is an American singer-songwriter specializing in pop folk.
- Aleem Dar
Aleem Dar (Urdu: علیم ڈار; born 6 June 1968) is a Pakistani cricket umpire and former cricketer.
- Kirby Dar Dar
Kirby David Dar Dar (born March 27, 1972) is a retired American professional football wide receiver.
- Nida Dar
Nida Rashid Dar known as Nida Dar (2 January 1987, Gujranwala) is an international cricketer from Pakistan.
- Dar Salim
Dar Salim (born 18 August 1977) is a Danish actor.
- Tahir Dar
Mohammad Tahir Dar (born 17 March 1975) is a Bahraini cricketer.
- Noam Dar
Noam Dar (Hebrew:נועם דר; born 28 July 1993) is an Israeli-born Scottish professional wrestler, currently signed to WWE, where he performs on the United Kingdom-based NXT UK and 205 Live brands.
- Ami Dar
Ami Dar (Hebrew: עמי דר; born January 7, 1961) is the Founder and Executive Director of Idealist.org.
- Hasan Dar
Tauqeer Dar
Hasan Ahmed Dar (born 18 July 1989) is a Pakistani cricketer who has played for several Lahore-based teams in Pakistani domestic cricket.
- Manzoor Dar
Manzoor Ahmad Dar (born 1 November 1993) is an Indian cricketer.
- Dar Zuzovsky
Dar Zuzovsky (Hebrew: דר זוזובסקי; born February 24, 1991) is an Israeli actress and model.
- Mahliqa
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Dar Numerology: Name Dar has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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