What does the name Daphne mean? What is the meaning of the name Daphne
Meaning of Daphne: Name Daphne in the Greek origin, means One from Bay tree. Name Daphne is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Daphne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Daphne (Namesakes)
- Daphne Zuniga
Daphne Eurydice Zuniga (; born October 28, 1962) is an American actress.
- Daphne Maxwell Reid
Daphne Etta Maxwell Reid (née Maxwell; July 13, 1948) is an American actress, comedian and former model.
- Daphne Rubin-Vega
Daphne Rubin-Vega (born November 18, 1969) is a Panamanian-American dancer, singer-songwriter, and actress.
- Daphne Ashbrook
Daphne Lee Ashbrook (born January 30, 1963) is an American actress.
- Daphne Fowler
Daphne Fowler (née Bradshaw, previously Hudson; born 5 January 1939) is a British game show champion who has taken part in many televised game shows.
- Daphne Koller
Daphne Koller (Hebrew: דפנה קולר; born August 27, 1968) is an Israeli-American Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University and a MacArthur Fellowship recipient.
- Daphne Jongejans
Daphne Cérès Jongejans (born June 22, 1965 in Badhoevedorp, North Holland) is a retired female diver from the Netherlands, who represented her native country at three consecutive Summer Olympics: 1984, 1988 and 1992.
- Daphne Guinness
Daphne Diana Joan Susanna Guinness (born 9 November 1967) is an English socialite and fashion designer.
- Daphne Blunt
Daphne Louise Blunt (born October 23, 1997) is an American actress, singer, web television presenter and fashion blogger.
- Daphne Groeneveld
Daphne Groeneveld (born 24 December 1994) is a Dutch model best known for appearing on the 2010 December/January cover of Vogue Paris alongside Tom Ford.
- Daphne Oz
Daphne Nur Oz (born February 17, 1986) is an American nutrition author and television host.
- Daphne Willis
Daphne Willis is a singer and songwriter residing in Nashville, Tennessee.
- Daphne Karagianis
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Daphne Numerology: Name Daphne has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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