What does the name Danuta mean? What is the meaning of the name Danuta
Meaning of Danuta: Name Danuta in the Hebrew, Polish origin, means God is a loving judge. Name Danuta is of Hebrew, Polish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Danuta are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Danuta (Namesakes)
- Danuta Jędrejek
Danuta Jędrejek (born 17 January 1947) is a Polish sprinter.
- Danuta Rosani
Danuta Rosani (born 30 April 1951) is a Polish athlete.
- Danuta Konkalec
Danuta Konkalec (born 7 September 1955) is a Polish rower.
- Danuta Urbanik
Danuta Urbanik (born 24 December 1989) is a Polish middle-distance runner.
- Danuta Piecyk
Danuta Piecyk (born 27 September 1950) is a Polish sprinter.
- Danuta Hübner
Danuta Maria Hübner, née Młynarska (Polish: [daˈnuta ˈxʲybnɛr] or [ˈxʲibnɛr]; born 8 April 1948) is a Polish politician and Diplomat and Economist and Member of the European Parliament.
- Danuta Wałęsa
Mirosława Danuta Wałęsa (née Gołoś; born 25 February 1949), is the wife of the former President of Poland Lech Wałęsa.
- Danuta Dmowska
Danuta Małgorzata Dmowska-Andrzejuk (born 1 March 1982) is a Polish Fencer and World Épée Champion 2005.Dmowska started fencing when she was ten years old.
- Danuta Jazłowiecka
Danuta Jazłowiecka (born May 19, 1957 in Opole) is a Polish politician.
- Danuta Pietraszewska
Danuta Róża Pietraszewska, née Sitek (born 8 May 1947 in Ruda Śląska, Poland) is a Polish politician.
- Danuta Bułkowska
Danuta Bułkowska-Milej (born 31 January 1959, in Olszanka) is a Polish athlete who competed in the high jump.
- Danuta Lato
Danuta Lato is a Polish glamour model, actress and later singer.
- Danuta Kozák
Danuta Kozák (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈdɒnutɒ ˈkozaːk]; born 11 January 1987) is a Hungarian sprint canoer.
- Danuta Stenka
Danuta Stenka (born 10 October 1961 in Sierakowice, Poland) is a Polish actress.
- Danuta Straszyńska
Danuta Straszyńska (born 4 February 1942) is a Polish former hurdler and sprinter.
- Danuta Nowak-Stachow
Danuta Nowak-Stachow (born 22 August 1934) is a Polish gymnast.
- Danuta Lubowska
Danuta Lubowska (born 21 May 1956) is a Polish gymnast.
- Danuta Fidusiewicz-Prusinowska
Danuta Fidusiewicz-Prusinowska (born 27 July 1952) is a Polish gymnast.
- Danuta Stanisławska
Danuta Stanisławska (born 4 October 1958) is a Polish field hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Danuta Numerology: Name Danuta has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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