What does the name Danni mean? What is the meaning of the name Danni
Meaning of Danni: Name Danni in the Hebrew origin, means A strong woman. Name Danni is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Danni are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Danni (Namesakes)
- Danni Ashe
Danni Ashe (and early in her career sometimes as Danielle Ashe) (born January 16, 1968), is an American retired nude model, former erotic dancer and pornographic actress who is the founder and former CEO of Danni's Hard Drive, a pioneering adult web site.
- Danni Boatwright
Danielle “Danni” Boatwright Wiegmann (born July 13, 1975) is an American actress, TV host, model and beauty queen who won $1,000,000 on Survivor: Guatemala, the eleventh season of the reality television show Survivor.
- Danni Suzuki
Daniele Toshiko Suzuki Novaes (Brazilian Portuguese: [dɐ̃niˈɛʎi ˈtoʃiko suˈzuki noˈvajʃ]; born September 21, 1977) is a Brazilian actress and television host.
- Danni Miatke
Danni Miatke (born 29 November 1987) is an Australian swimmer.
- Danni Leigh
Danni Leigh (born February 9, 1970 in Strasburg, Virginia, U.S.) is an American country music singer.
- Danni Bassan
Danny Bassan (born 5 December 1955, São Paulo, Brazil) is an Israeli musician.
- Danni Jensen
Danni Jensen (born 10 June 1989 in Taastrup) is a Danish footballer who plays as a right back for Boldklubben Frem.
- Danni Carlos
Daniela Carlos de Araújo (born July 2, 1975 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is a Brazilian singer, composer, musician and actress.
- Chong Danni
Chong Danni is a Chinese actress.
- Danni Rouge
Chelsey Danielle Pauls, known professionally as Danni Rouge (born May 24, 1987), is an American artist, vocalist, songwriter and producer.
- Danni König
Danni König (born 17 December 1986) is a retired Danish professional footballer.
- Danni Nicholls
Danni Nicholls (born 28 August 1985) is a British Americana singer-songwriter.
- Wang Danni
Wang Danni (Chinese: 王丹妮; pinyin: Wáng Dānnī; born 12 June 1993) is a Chinese tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Danni Numerology: Name Danni has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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