What does the name Damari mean? What is the meaning of the name Damari
Meaning of Damari: Name Damari in the Latin, Greek origin, means Gentle and kind. Name Damari is of Latin, Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Damari are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Damari (Namesakes)
- Damaris (singer)
Damaris Mallma Porras (born January 26, 1986 in Huancayo), is a Peruvian folk singer.
- Damaris Hayman
Damaris Hayman (born 16 June 1929) is an English character actress, often cast in upper class or eccentric roles.
- Nitzan Damari
Nitzan Damari (Hebrew: ניצן דמארי; born 13 January 1987) is an Israeli footballer who currently plays for Maccabi Herzliya as well as the Israel national under-21 football team.
- Omer Damari
Omer Damari (Hebrew: עומר דמארי, born 24 March 1989) is an Israeli footballer who plays for the Israel national team as a striker.
- Damaris Johnson
Damaris Keith Johnson (born November 22, 1989) is a former American football wide receiver and return specialist for the BC Lions of the Canadian Football League (CFL).
- Damaris Lewis
Damaris Lewis (born October 10, 1990) is an American model and actress.
- Damaris Evans
Damaris Alice Turle Evans (born 18 March 1975) is a British fashion designer who founded the lingerie brands Damaris and Mimi Holliday.
- Damaris Phillips
Damaris Lennon Phillips (born December 8, 1980) is an American chef and television personality.
- Damaris Quélez
Damaris Beatriz Queles Jiménez (born 14 August 1990) is a Salvadoran football player who plays as a forward.
- Damaris Egurrola
Damaris Berta Egurrola Wienke (born 26 August 1999) is a professional footballer who plays for Athletic Bilbao as a defensive midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Damari Numerology: Name Damari has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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