What does the name Daisuke mean? What is the meaning of the name Daisuke
Meaning of Daisuke: Name Daisuke in the Japanese origin, means The large one. Name Daisuke is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Daisuke are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Daisuke (Namesakes)
- Daisuke Ohata
Daisuke Ohata (大畑大介, Ōhata Daisuke, born on November 11, 1975 in Osaka) is a former Japanese rugby union player.
- Daisuke Matsui
Daisuke Matsui (松井 大輔, Matsui Daisuke, born 11 May 1981) is a Japanese football player who plays for Yokohama FC. He played for Japan national team.
- Daisuke Hirakawa
Daisuke Hirakawa (平川 大輔, Hirakawa Daisuke, born 4 June 1973) is a Japanese voice actor.
- Daisuke Takahashi
Daisuke Takahashi (髙橋 大輔, Takahashi Daisuke, born March 16, 1986) is a Japanese figure skater.
- Daisuke Sakaguchi
Daisuke Sakaguchi (阪口 大助, Sakaguchi Daisuke, born October 11, 1973 in Kashiwazaki, Niigata) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with Aoni Production.
- Daisuke Ono
Daisuke Ono (小野 大輔, Ono Daisuke, born May 4, 1978) is a Japanese voice actor and singer who won the 4th and 9th Seiyu Awards for best lead actor for his role as Sebastian Michaelis in Black Butler, Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Shukuro Tsukishima in Bleach, as well as "Best Personalities" at the 9th Seiyu Awards.
- Daisuke Namikawa
Daisuke Namikawa (浪川 大輔, Namikawa Daisuke, born April 2, 1976) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and singer associated with Stay Luck.
- Daisuke Igarashi
Daisuke Igarashi (五十嵐 大介, Igarashi Daisuke) is a manga artist born in Saitama (2 April 1969), Japan.
- Daisuke Tsuda (musician)
Daisuke Tsuda (津田 大輔, Tsuda Daisuke, born September 13, 1977), also known as Daisuke-han (ダイスケはん), is the harsh vocalist of the Japanese band Maximum the Hormone, while fellow band member Ryo Kawakita does most of the clean voices.
- Daisuke Naito
Daisuke Naito (内藤 大助, Naitō Daisuke, born August 30, 1974) is a former professional boxer from Japan.
- Daisuke Nakamura
Daisuke Nakamura (中村 太亮, Nakamura Daisuke, born 21 September 1985 in Chiba prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese voice actor and actor.
- Daisuke Kishio
Daisuke Kishio (岸尾 だいすけ, Kishio Daisuke, born March 28, 1974) is a Japanese voice actor, singer and narrator from Matsusaka, Mie.
- Daisuke Nishio
Daisuke Nishio (西尾 大介, Nishio Daisuke, born April 1, 1959) is a Japanese animator and director.
- Daisuke Tonoike
Daisuke Tonoike (外池 大亮, Tonoike Daisuke, born January 29, 1975) is a former Japanese football player.
- Daisuke Tsutsumi
Daisuke “Dice” Tsutsumi (堤 大介, Tsutsumi Daisuke) (born November 6, 1974) is an animation artist and illustrator living in San Francisco, California.
- Daisuke Amaya
Daisuke Amaya (Japanese: 天谷 大輔, Hepburn: Amaya Daisuke, born April 29, 1977), also known by his art name Pixel, is a Japanese indie game developer.
- Daisuke Tanaka
Daisuke Tanaka (田中 大輔, Tanaka Daisuke, born January 6, 1983) is a former Japanese football player.
- Daisuke Watanabe
Daisuke Watanabe (渡辺 大祐, Watanabe Daisuke) is a Japanese video game writer employed by Square Enix.
- Daisuke Shima
Daisuke Shima (嶋 大輔, Shima Daisuke, born May 22, 1964, in Nishinomiya, Hyōgo Prefecture) is a Japanese singer and actor.
- Daisuke Miyagawa
Daisuke Miyagawa (宮川 大輔, Miyagawa Daisuke, born 31 December 1973, in Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese comedian and actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Daisuke Numerology: Name Daisuke has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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