What does the name Dagmar mean? What is the meaning of the name Dagmar
Meaning of Dagmar: Name Dagmar in the Finnish, Scandinavian origin, means A mother. Name Dagmar is of Finnish, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Dagmar are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Dagmar (Namesakes)
- Dagmar Braun Celeste
Dagmar Ingrid Braun Celeste (born November 23, 1941) is an American counselor, Christian priest, and author.
- Dagmar Krause
Dagmar Krause (born 4 June 1950) is a German singer, best known for her work with avant-rock groups including Slapp Happy, Henry Cow, and Art Bears.
- Dagmar Midcap
Dagmar Midcap (born Dagmar Gottschalk; March 12, 1969) is a Canadian-born American media personality and weathercaster originally based in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Dagmar Hase
Dagmar Hase (born 22 December 1969 in Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt, East Germany) is a former German swimmer, specialised in the freestyle and backstroke.
- Dagmar Koller
Dagmar Koller (born 26 August 1939) is an Austrian actress and singer.
- Dagmar Havlová
Dagmar Havlová (born Dagmar Veškrnová on 22 March 1953 in Brno, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech actress.
- Dagmar Švubová
Dagmar Švubová (née Palečková; born August 9, 1958 in Nové Město na Moravě as Dagmar Palečková) is a former Czechoslovak cross-country skier who competed from 1982 to 1986.
- Dagmar (Puerto Rican entertainer)
Dagmar (born March 24, 1955) is a Puerto Rican television host, actress and singer.
- Dagmar Kersten
Dagmar Kersten (born 28 October 1970) is a German former gymnast.
- Dagmar Bláhová
Dasha Bláhová (born 8 March 1949), Liberec, Czech Republic) is a Czech-born actress, who became notable on Australian television in 1985 for her role in soap opera Neighbours as original character Maria Ramsay.
- Dagmar Belakowitsch-Jenewein
Dagmar Belakowitsch-Jenewein (born 24 August 1968 in Vienna) is an Austrian politician for the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), currently serving as a Member of the Parliament of Austria, the National Council.
- Dagmar Manzel
Dagmar Manzel (born 1 September 1958) is a German actress.
- Dagmar Berghoff
Dagmar Berghoff (born 25 January 1943) is a German radio and television presenter.
- Dagmar Rehak
Dagmar Rehak (born 16 January 1956) is a retired German breaststroke swimmer who won a bronze medal at the 1977 European Aquatics Championships.
- Dagmar Hülsenberg
Dagmar Hülsenberg (born Sonneberg 2 December 1940) is a German materials scientist and university professor.
In 1975, at age 34, she became the youngest full professor in the German Democratic Republic.
- Dagmar Pohlmann
Dagmar Pohlmann (born 7 February 1972) is a German retired football midfielder.
- Dagmar Daneková
Dagmar Danekova (born (1978-02-20)20 February 1978 in Žilina) is a Slovak female weightlifter, competing in the 53 kg category and representing Slovakia at international competitions.
- Dagmar Patrasová
Dagmar Patrasová (born 27 April 1956) is a Czech actress and singer.
- Dagmar Kuzmanová
Dagmar Kuzmanová (born 17 September 1956) is a Slovak alpine skier.
- Dagmar Stelberg
Dagmar Stelberg (born 21 September 1958) is a German handball player who played for the West German national team.
Do you know any famous people named Dagmar, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Dagmar Numerology: Name Dagmar has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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