What does the name Csaba mean? What is the meaning of the name Csaba
Meaning of Csaba: Name Csaba in the Hungarian origin, means A gift sent fom heaven. Name Csaba is of Hungarian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Csaba are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Csaba (Namesakes)
- Csaba Somogyi
Csaba Somogyi (born 7 April 1985) is a Hungarian football player who plays as a goalkeeper for Austrian club SV OK Haus Großpetersdorf.
- Csaba Mérő
Csaba Mérő (born July 7, 1979 in Budapest, Hungary) is an amateur Go player.
- Csaba Csizmadia
Csaba Csizmadia (born 30 May 1985 in Târgu Mureș) is a Romanian-born Hungarian professional footballer who currently plays as a defender for Budafoki MTE.
- Csaba Markus
Csaba Markus (born January 26, 1953) is a Hungarian-American artist, painter, sculptor and publisher.
- Csaba Regedei
Csaba Regedei (born 16 January 1983) is a Hungarian footballer who currently plays as a defender with Hungarian second division team Gyirmót SE.
- Csaba Szücs
Csaba Szücs (Hungarian: Szűcs Csaba; born 28 July 1987 in Košice) is a Slovakian handball player, belonging to the Hungarian minority.
- Csaba Vastag
- Csaba Gercsák
Csaba Gercsák (born 19 August 1988 in Budapest) is a Hungarian long-distance swimmer and Olympic participant, who won the bronze medal at the 2011 World Aquatics Championships in the 25 km open water event.
He has swum for Hungary in:
- Csaba Králik
Csaba Králik (born 24 June 1992) is a Slovak football midfielder of Hungarian ethnicity who currently plays for FC ŠTK 1914 Šamorín.
- Csaba Szórád
Csaba Szórád (born 9 May 1980, in Komárno) is a Slovak football player, currently plays for KFC Komárno.
- Csaba Dióssi
Csaba Dióssi (born 11 November 1969) is a Hungarian politician, member of the National Assembly (MP) for Dunakeszi (Pest County Constituency III) between 2010 and 2014.
- Csaba Sós
Csaba Sós (born 20 April 1957) is a retired Hungarian swimmer who won a bronze medal in the 400 m medley event at the 1977 European Aquatics Championships.
- Csaba Tőri
Csaba Tőri (born 12 November 1987) is a musical conductor, music teacher and founding member of the Moltopera Company.
- Csaba Bogdány
Csaba Bogdány (born 15 May 1981 in Balassagyarmat) is a Hungarian football player.
- Csaba Konkoly
Csaba Konkoly (Hungarian: [ˈt͡ʃɒbɒ ˈkoŋkoj]; born 6 September 1970) is a Hungarian handball coach and the current head coach of handball club Gyöngyösi KK.
Konkoly took his first head coach position in 2007, when he replaced Kálmán Róth on the bench of Győri ETO KC. Konkoly remained in Győr until 2011, during which period the team won 4 Hungarian championship and 4 Hungarian cup titles, and reached the final of the EHF Champions League (2009).
He was fired in November 2011 but did not remain without work for too long.
- Csaba Dosa
Csaba Dosa (born 31 January 1951) is a Romanian athlete.
- Csaba Burján
Csaba Burján (born 27 September 1994) is a Hungarian Olympic gold medalist short track speed skater.
- Csaba Lantos
Csaba Lantos (born 2 May 1943) is a Hungarian volleyball player.
- Csaba Bukta
- Fionnbhar
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Csaba Numerology: Name Csaba has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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