What does the name Crow mean? What is the meaning of the name Crow?
Meaning of Crow: Name Crow in the English, Gothic origin, means The bird crow. Name Crow is of English, Gothic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Crow (Namesakes)
- Russell Crowe
Russell Ira Crowe (born 7 April 1964) is an actor, film producer and musician.
- Sheryl Crow
Sheryl Suzanne Crow (born February 11, 1962) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, and actress.
- John Crow
John William Crow (born 22 January 1937) was the fifth Governor of the Bank of Canada from 1987 to 1994, succeeding Gerald Bouey.
- Rob Crow
Robertdale Rulon "Rob" Crow, Jr. (born February 21, 1971) is an American singer and multi-instrumentalist from San Diego, California, known for his involvement with the bands Pinback, Heavy Vegetable, Physics, Optiganally Yours and Thingy.
- Michael M. Crow
Michael M. Crow (born October 11, 1955) is an American academic and university administrator.
- Kevin Crow
Kevin Troy Crow (born September 17, 1961 in St.
- Danny Crow
Daniel Stephen Crow (born 26 January 1986) is an English footballer who is free agent.
- Ashley Crow
Ashley Diane Crow (born August 25, 1960) is an American actress.
- Larry Crow
Larry Crow (born December 1959) is an American politician from the state of Florida.
- Sam A. Crow
Sam Alfred Crow (born May 5, 1926) is a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Kansas.
- Aaron Crow
Aaron James Crow (born November 10, 1986) is an American professional baseball pitcher who is a free agent.
- Dean Crow
Paul Dean Crow (born August 21, 1972) is former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher.
- Rachel Crow
Rachel Kelly Crow (born January 23, 1998) is an American singer, comedian, and actress.
- Mark Crow
Mark Harvey Crow (born October 22, 1954) is a retired American professional basketball player who spent one season in the National Basketball Association (NBA) with the New Jersey Nets during the 1977–78 season.
- Jason Crow
Jason Anderson-Utley Crow (born March 15, 1979) is an American lawyer, veteran, and politician who is a member of the United States House of Representatives for Colorado's 6th congressional district.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Crow Numerology: Name Crow has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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