What does the name Cristo mean? What is the meaning of the name Cristo
Meaning of Cristo: Name Cristo in the Latin, Biblical origin, means Spanish,Italian and Portuguese form of 'Christopher'; Follower of Christ; Also means Productive and efficient. Name Cristo is of Latin, Biblical origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cristo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Cristo: Spanish,Italian and Portuguese form of 'Christopher'; Follower of Christ; Also means Productive and efficient
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Famous people with name Cristo (Namesakes)
- Julio Sánchez Cristo
Julio Sánchez Cristo is a Colombian radio personality, born 9 January 1959 in Bogotá.
- Cristo Marrero
Cristo Marrero Henríquez (born 10 November 1978) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a forward.
- Inri Cristo
Álvaro Thais (Portuguese: [ˈaɫvɐɾu ˈtajs], March 22, 1948), better known by his nickname Inri Cristo ([ˈĩʁi ˈkɾistu]), is a Brazilian self-proclaimed religious leader who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus.
- Paul Cristo
Paul Hardesty Cristo (born January 2, 1980) is an American composer and conductor.
- Cristo Martín
Cristo Martín Hernández (born 18 June 1987) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for SFC Minerva as a midfielder.
- Cristo González
Cristo Ramón González Pérez (born 24 October 1997) is a Spanish footballer who plays as a forward for SD Huesca, on loan from Italian club Udinese Calcio.
- Cristo Díaz
Cristo Díaz Martín (born 20 June 1992) is a Spanish footballer as a central midfielder for Club Atlético Tacoronte.
- Juan Fernando Cristo
Juan Fernando Cristo (born 11 July 1964) is a Colombian lawyer and politician, who currently holds the position of Interior Minister.
- Cristo Espuny
Cristopher Espuny Reynoso (born 30 October 1994), commonly known as Cristo, is a Spanish-born Dominican footballer who plays as a forward for Atlántico FC and the Dominican Republic national team.
- Cristo Romero
Cristo Jesús Romero Gómez (born 19 April 2001), simply known as Cristo, is a Spanish footballer who plays for Málaga CF as a left back.
- Benny Cristo
Ben da Silva Cristóvão (born 8 June 1987), known professionally as Benny Cristo, is a Czech singer, lyric writer, sportsman and actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Cristo Numerology: Name Cristo has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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