What does the name Cristi mean? What is the meaning of the name Cristi
Meaning of Cristi: Name Cristi in the Latin origin, means Diminutive of the Latin name 'Christina'; Follower of Christ. Name Cristi is of Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Cristi are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Cristi: Diminutive of the Latin name 'Christina'; Follower of Christ
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Famous people with name Cristi (Namesakes)
- Cristian Chivu
Cristian Eugen Chivu (Romanian pronunciation: [kristiˈan e.uˈd͡ʒen ˈkivu]; born 26 October 1980) is a Romanian former footballer.
- Cristi Puiu
Cristi Puiu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈkristi ˈpuju]; born 3 April 1967) is a Romanian film director and screenwriter.
- Cristi Conaway
Cristi Conaway (born August 14, 1964) is an American actress and fashion designer.
- Cristi Harris
Cristi Harris (born December 3, 1977 in East Point, Georgia, U.S.) is an American actress most notable for her role as Emily Davis in NBC's soap opera Sunset Beach.
- Cristian Bușoi
Cristian Silviu Bușoi (born March 1, 1978) is a Romanian physician and politician.
- Cristinel Gafița
Cristinel Gafiţa (born 14 June 1987) is a Romanian former footballer.
- Cristian Manea
Cristian Marian Manea (Romanian pronunciation: [kristiˈan mariˈan ˈmane̯a]; born 9 August 1997) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays mainly as a right back for CFR Cluj, on loan from Apollon Limassol and the Romania national team.
- Cristi Ilie Pîrghie
Cristi-Ilie Pîrghie (born 20 July 1992) is a Romanian rower.
- Cristian Pană
Cristian Pană (née Cornei; born 29 October 1990) is a Romanian rugby union football player.
- Cristinel Pojar
Cristinel Vasile Pojar (born 19 August 1967) is a Romanian former footballer who spent his entire career at Universitatea Cluj.
- Elvira Cristi
Elvira Teresa Cristi Bueno (born 26 November 1976) is a Chilean actress and model.
- Jandol
Do you know any famous people named Cristi, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Cristi Numerology: Name Cristi has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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