What does the name Creighton mean? What is the meaning of the name Creighton?
Meaning of Creighton: Name Creighton in the English origin, means Town near Rocks or the Creek town. Name Creighton is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Creighton (Namesakes)
- John Creighton (rugby union)
John Neville Creighton (born 10 March 1937) is a former New Zealand rugby union player.
- John Oliver Creighton
John Oliver Creighton (born April 28, 1943), (Capt, USN, Ret.), is a former NASA astronaut who flew three Space Shuttle missions.
- Adam Creighton
Adam Creighton (born June 2, 1965) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played 708 career National Hockey League games after winning the Memorial Cup in 1984 as a member of the Ottawa 67's.
- Creighton Gubanich
Creighton Wade Gubanich (born March 27, 1972 in Belleville, New Jersey) is a retired baseball player who played briefly in the major leagues in 1999 for the Boston Red Sox.
- Lucinda Creighton
Lucinda Creighton (born 20 January 1980) is an Irish former politician who served as Minister of State for European Affairs from 2011 to 2013.
- Chris Creighton
Christopher William Creighton (born February 7, 1969) is an American football coach and former player.
- Paul Creighton
Paul Creighton (born July 4, 1970) is a retired American mixed martial artist and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt under Renzo Gracie who competed in the Lightweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Thomas C. Creighton
Tom Creighton (born February 19, 1945) is a former Republican Party member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 37th District, serving from 2001 through 2013.
- Jim Creighton (basketball)
Jim Creighton (born April 18, 1950) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Mark Creighton
Mark Adam Creighton (born 8 October 1981) is English former professional footballer.
- Neal Creighton
Neal Creighton (born October 7, 1965) is an American entrepreneur based in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
- Brandon Creighton
Charles Brandon Creighton (born August 5, 1970) is an American attorney and politician from Conroe, Texas, who is a Republican member of the Texas Senate from District 4, and a former member of the Texas House of Representatives from District 16.
- Ibrah
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Creighton Numerology: Name Creighton has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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