What does the name Cowell mean? What is the meaning of the name Cowell
Meaning of Cowell: Name Cowell in the Gaelic origin, means Descendants od Pictish people; Also a lace in the Highland region of Scottish. Name Cowell is of Gaelic origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Cowell: Descendants od Pictish people; Also a lace in the Highland region of Scottish
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Famous people with name Cowell (Namesakes)
- Simon Cowell
Simon Phillip Cowell (; born 7 October 1959) is an English television personality, businessman, producer, and record executive.
- Stanley Cowell
Stanley Cowell (born May 5, 1941) is an American jazz pianist and co-founder of the Strata-East Records label.
- Brendan Cowell
Brendan Cowell (born 16 August 1976) is an Australian actor, screenwriter, comedian and director.
- Janet Cowell
Janet Cowell (born July 19, 1968) is the former North Carolina State Treasurer, serving from 2009 to 2017, and is the first woman to hold that position in North Carolina.
- Cressida Cowell
Cressida Cowell (born 15 April 1966) is an English children's author, popularly known for the book series, How to Train Your Dragon, which has subsequently become an award-winning franchise as adapted for the screen by DreamWorks Animation.
- Nicholas Cowell
Nicholas Andrew Cowell (born 7 March 1961) is a British estate agent, co-founder and director of Estate Office Property Consultants, and head of the Cowell Group.
- Jim Cowell (ice hockey)
Jim Cowell (born October 18, 1953) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player.
- Sammy Cowell
Daloncha Puwijarn Cowell (Thai ดลลชา ภูวิจารย์ เคาวเวลล์), known as Sammy Punthita Cowell, is a Thai-British actress who is currently active in Thailand.
- Cade Cowell
Cade Cowell (born October 14, 2003) is an American soccer player who currently plays for the San Jose Earthquakes in Major League Soccer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Cowell Numerology: Name Cowell has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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