What does the name Cowan mean? What is the meaning of the name Cowan
Meaning of Cowan: Name Cowan in the English origin, means The original bearer of the name are the people who lived in EnglishScottish border region; Also refers to Twin; Hillside hollow. Name Cowan is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Cowan: The original bearer of the name are the people who lived in EnglishScottish border region; Also refers to Twin; Hillside hollow
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Famous people with name Cowan (Namesakes)
- Ed Cowan
Edward James McKenzie Cowan (born 16 June 1982) is a former Australian cricketer, who has played for the British Universities, New South Wales (NSW), Tasmania, Oxford MCCU and Nottinghamshire teams.
- Jim Cowan
James S. Cowan, CM QC (born January 22, 1942) is a Canadian lawyer, a senator from Nova Scotia from 2008 to 2017, and was Leader of the Opposition in the Senate from 2008 to 2015 and leader of the Independent Liberal caucus until June 15, 2016.
- John Cowan
John Cowan (born August 24, 1953 in Minerva, Ohio) is an American soul music and progressive bluegrass vocalist and bass guitar player.
- Denys Cowan
Denys B. Cowan (born January 30, 1961) is an American comics artist, television producer, media executive and one of the co-founders of Milestone Media.
- Patrick Cowan
Patrick Edmund Cowan (born March 23, 1986 in Surrey, British Columbia) is a former American football quarterback.
- Rory Cowan
Rory Cowan (born 15 July 1959) is an Irish actor and entertainer best known for portraying Rory Brown in Mrs Brown's Boys from 2011 to 2017, and for starring in Mrs.
- Juliet Cowan
Juliet Cowan (born 21 May 1974 in Belfast, Northern Ireland) is a British television, film and stage actress.
- Tommy Cowan
Tommy Cowan CD (born Thomas Lincoln Cowan, 6 April 1946, Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica) is a producer and singer, initially working in reggae but later concentrating on gospel, who has been involved in the music business since the 1960s.
- Elliot Cowan
Elliot Cowan (born 9 July 1976) is an English actor, known for portraying Corporal Jem Poynton in Ultimate Force, Mr Darcy in Lost in Austen, and Ptolemy in the 2004 film Alexander.
- Michael Cowan
Michael Joseph Cowan (born 10 June 1933, Leeds, Yorkshire, England) is a former first-class cricketer for Yorkshire County Cricket Club.
- Lee Cowan
Leland P. Cowan (born May 1, 1965) is a CBS News National Correspondent for the CBS Evening News and a substitute anchor for CBS Sunday Morning.
- Steve Cowan
Steve Cowan (born 17 February 1963 in Paisley) is a Scottish former professional footballer.
- Reed Cowan
Darrin Reed Cowan (also known as Reed Abplanalp-Cowan) (born July 24, 1972) is an American journalist.
- Scott Cowan
Scott Cowan (born 4 June 1983 in Gore, New Zealand) is a New Zealand rugby union player who plays as a halfback for the Southland Stags.
- Jonathan Cowan
Jonathan Cowan is the President and a co-founder of Third Way, a self-described centrist think tank.
- Wes Cowan
C. Wesley Cowan (born September 4, 1951 in Louisville, Kentucky) is an American anthropologist, auctioneer, and appraiser of antiques.
- Don Cowan
Don Cowan (born 16 November 1989) is an American-born Irish footballer.
- Brett Peter Cowan
Brett Peter Cowan (born 18 September 1969) is an Australian murderer and sex offender who was convicted of the murder of Daniel Morcombe, who disappeared from the Sunshine Coast on 7 December 2003.
- Mo Cowan
William Maurice “Mo” Cowan (born April 4, 1969) is an American politician and lawyer who served as a United States Senator from Massachusetts from February 1, 2013 to July 16, 2013.
- Noah Cowan
Noah Cowan was the Executive Director of SFFILM from March 2014 to May 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Cowan Numerology: Name Cowan has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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