What does the name Cornell mean? What is the meaning of the name Cornell?
Meaning of Cornell: Name Cornell in the English origin, means name of a town in Britain. Name Cornell is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cornell are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cornell (Namesakes)
- Eric Allin Cornell
Eric Allin Cornell (born December 19, 1961) is an American physicist who, along with Carl E. Wieman, was able to synthesize the first Bose–Einstein condensate in 1995.
- Paul Cornell
Paul Douglas Cornell (born 18 July 1967) is a British writer best known for his work in television drama as well as Doctor Who fiction, and as the creator of one of the Doctor's spin-off companions, Bernice Summerfield.
- Cornell Glen
Cornelius "Cornell" Glen CM (born 21 October 1981) is a Trinidadian professional footballer who last played as a striker for University of Trinidad and Tobago.
- John Cornell
John Cornell (born 2 March 1941) is an Australian film producer, writer, actor, and businessman who was born in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
- Ellie Cornell
Ellie Cornell (born December 15, 1963) is an American actress and producer.
- Lydia Cornell
Lydia Cornell (born July 23, 1953) is an American actress best known for her role as Sara Rush on the ABC situation comedy Too Close for Comfort.
- Drucilla Cornell
Drucilla Cornell (born 16 June 1950), is an American philosopher and feminist theorist, whose work has been influential in political and legal philosophy, ethics, deconstruction, critical theory, and feminism.
- Bo Cornell
Robert Paul "Bo" Cornell (born March 7, 1949 in Seattle, Washington) is a former American football linebacker and running back who played seven seasons in the National Football League with the Cleveland Browns and Buffalo Bills.
- Peter Cornell
Peter Vasilevich Cornell (born June 1, 1976) is a retired American professional basketball player and occasional actor.
- Jaraan Cornell
Jaraan V. Cornell (born November 22, 1976) is an American former collegiate basketball player at Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana.
- David Cornell
David Joseph Cornell (born 28 March 1991) is a Welsh footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Northampton Town.
- Edward Cornell
Edward Cornell (born 1944) was an early associate of Joseph Papp at the New York Shakespeare Festival.
- Cornell Campbell
Cornel Campbell aka Don Cornel or Don Gorgon (born 23 November 1945 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a reggae singer, best known for his trademark falsetto voice, and his recordings at Studio One in the late 1960s and his later work with Bunny Lee in the 1970s.
- Cornell Armstrong
Cornell Orlando Armstrong (born September 22, 1995) is an American football cornerback for the Houston Texans of the National Football League (NFL).
- Cornell Holloway
Cornell Holloway (born January 30, 1966) is a former American football defensive back.
- Mark Cornell
Do you know any famous people named Cornell, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Cornell Numerology: Name Cornell has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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