What does the name Cornelia mean? What is the meaning of the name Cornelia
Meaning of Cornelia: Name Cornelia in the Latin origin, means A person who is firm, wise and strongwilled. Name Cornelia is of Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Cornelia are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cornelia (Namesakes)
- Cornelia Funke
Cornelia Maria Funke (; German: [ˈfʊŋkə]) is a German author of children's fiction.
- Cornelia Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (born 20 June 1921) is a Canadian landscape architect based in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Cornelia Polit
Cornelia Polit (later Embacher, born 18 February 1963) is a former swimmer from East Germany.
- Cornelia Hanisch
Cornelia Hanisch (born 12 June 1952) is a retired German fencer.
- Cornelia Guest
Cornelia Cochrane Churchill Guest (born November 28, 1963) is a New York socialite, author and the Debutante of the Decade for the 1980s of the International Debutante Ball in New York City.
- Florencio Cornelia
Florencio Cornelia (born June 14, 1981 in Leiderdorp) is a Dutch footballer who played professionally for Eerste Divisie clubs Go Ahead Eagles, Stormvogels Telstar and Fortuna Sittard during the 2000-2008 football seasons.
- Cornelia Pillard
Cornelia Thayer Livingston Pillard (born March 4, 1961) known as Nina Pillard, is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
- Cornelia Hütter
Cornelia Hütter (born 29 October 1992) is a World Cup alpine ski racer from Austria.
Born in Graz, Styria, Hütter made her World Cup debut in November 2011 in Lake Louise, Canada.
- Cornelia Gröschel
Cornelia Gröschel (born 1 December 1987) is a German actress.
- Cornelia Harrington
Cornelia Kelleher Harrington (born June 7, 1943) is a retired American speed skater.
- Cornelia Popa
Cornelia Popa (née Popescu; born 27 August 1950) is a Romanian athlete.
- Cornelia Jacob
Cornelia Jacob (born 3 April 1960) is a German speed skater.
- Cornelia Thomas
Cornelia Thomas (born 28 June 1960) is a Swiss cross-country skier.
- Cornelia Sulzer
Cornelia Sulzer (born 4 January 1964) is an Austrian cross-country skier.
- Cornelia Lăzeanu
Cornelia Lăzeanu (born 22 June 1943) is a Romanian volleyball player.
- Cornelia Rickert
Cornelia Rickert (born 30 July 1954) is a German volleyball player.
- Cornelia Dries
Cornelia Dries (born 4 March 1961) is a German former professional tennis player.
- Cornelia Lechner
Cornelia Lechner (born 13 November 1966) is a German former professional tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Cornelia Numerology: Name Cornelia has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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