What does the name Corentin mean? What is the meaning of the name Corentin?
Meaning of Corentin: Name Corentin in the French origin, means A hurricane; a violent storm or tornado. Name Corentin is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Corentin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Corentin: A hurricane; a violent storm or tornado
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Famous people with name Corentin (Namesakes)
- Corentin Martins
Corentin da Silva Martins (born 11 July 1969) is a French former professional footballer who played as an attacking midfielder, and the current manager of the Mauritania national team.
- Corentin Jean
Corentin Jean (born 15 July 1995) is a French professional footballer who plays as a striker for Ligue 2 club RC Lens, on loan from Toulouse.
- Corentin Tolisso
Corentin Tolisso (born 3 August 1994) is a French professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for German club Bayern Munich and the France national team.
- Corentin Fiore
Corentin Fiore (born 24 March 1995) is a Belgian footballer of Italian descent who plays for Teramo in the Serie C. He plays as a centre back.
- Corentin Denolly
Corentin Denolly (born 6 June 1997 in Vienne, Isère) is a French tennis player.
- Corentin Koçur
Corentin Koçur (born 10 October 1995) is a Belgian footballer who currently plays for Luxembourg National Division-side Fola Esch.
- Corentin Ermenault
Corentin Ermenault (born 27 January 1996) is a French road and track cyclist, who currently rides for French amateur team AVC Aix-en-Provence.
- Corentin Cherhal
Corentin Cherhal (born 19 January 1994 in Rennes) is a French cyclist who rides for Team Novo Nordisk.
- Corentin Jacob
Corentin Jacob (born 7 January 1997) is a French professional footballer who plays for Rodez AF. Jacob is a French youth international.
- Corentin Moutet
Corentin Moutet (French pronunciation: [kɔʁɑ̃tɛ̃ mutɛ]; born 19 April 1999) is a French tennis player.
- Corentin Rahier
Corentin Rahier (born 30 August 1998) is a French ice dancer.
- Corentin Tirard
Corentin Tirard (born 18 October 1995) is a French professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Thonon Évian.
- Corentin Fila
Corentin Fila (born 28 September 1988) is a French actor .
- Corentin Carne
Corentin Carne (born June 18, 1996) is a French professional basketball player.
- Henri-Corentin Buysse
Henri-Corentin Buysse (born 18 March 1988) is a French ice hockey player for Gothiques d'Amiens and the French national team.
- Corentin Lemaire
Corentin Lemaire (born 11 May 1999) is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Lens in the French Ligue 2.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Corentin Numerology: Name Corentin has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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