What does the name Cordero mean? What is the meaning of the name Cordero?
Meaning of Cordero: Name Cordero in the Spanish origin, means A lamb; a little sheep. Name Cordero is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cordero are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Cordero (Namesakes)
- Luca Cordero di Montezemolo
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo (Italian pronunciation: [ˈluːka korˈdɛːro di ˌmontedˈdzɛːmolo; -dˈdzeːm-]; born 31 August 1947) is an Italian businessman, former Chairman of Ferrari, and formerly Chairman of Fiat S.p.A. and President of Confindustria and FIEG. He comes from an aristocratic family from the region of Piedmont in Italy.
- Ángel Cordero Jr.
Ángel Tomás Cordero Jr. (born: November 8, 1942 ) is one of the leading thoroughbred horse racing jockeys of all time and the first Puerto Rican to be inducted into the United States' Racing Hall of Fame.
- Wil Cordero
Wilfredo Cordero Nieva (born October 3, 1971) is a former shortstop, first baseman, and outfielder in Major League Baseball.
- Chad Cordero
Chad Patrick Cordero (born March 18, 1982) is an American former professional baseball player.
- Francisco Cordero
Francisco Javier Cordero (born May 11, 1975) is a Dominican former professional baseball pitcher.
- Sebastián Cordero
Sebastián Cordero Espinosa (Spanish pronunciation: [seβasˈtjaŋ koɾˈðeɾo]; born 23 May 1972) is an Ecuadorian film director, screenwriter and editor, often recognized for his work in Ratas, Ratones, Rateros (1999), Crónicas (2004), and Europa Report (2013).
- Maria Cordero
Maria Cordero, MH (肥媽瑪俐亞; Fat Mama Maria) is a singer, actress, TV Host and DJ from Hong Kong.
- Miguel Ángel Cordero
Miguel Ángel Cordero Sánchez (born 10 September 1987) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for FC Cartagena as a defensive midfielder.
- Luis Diego Cordero
Luis Diego Cordero Jiménez (born May 21, 1988) is a Costa Rican football midfielder currently playing for Primera División club C.S. Herediano.
- Emilio Cordero
Emilio Alberto Cordero (born 2 February 1994) is a Puerto Rican international footballer who plays college soccer for Pittsburgh Panthers, as a defender.
- Winnie Cordero
Winnie Cordero-Erquieza (born 1 November 1966) is a Filipina comedian, actress and TV host.
- Santiago Cordero
Santiago Cordero (born 6 December 1993) is an Argentine rugby union footballer.
- Desirée Cordero Ferrer
Desirée Cordero Ferrer (born 12 September 1993) is a Spanish model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Universe Spain 2014.
- Franchy Cordero
Franchy Cordero Vargas (born September 2, 1994) is a Dominican professional baseball outfielder for the San Diego Padres of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Jimmy Cordero
Jimmy Gerard Cordero (born October 19, 1991) is a Dominican professional baseball pitcher for the Chicago White Sox of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Lola Cordero
Dolores Cordero Gómez (born 1 April 1973), better known as Lola Cordero, is a Spanish journalist and actress who lives in Argentina.
- José Luis Cordero (actor)
José Luis Cordero – also known as Pocholo – is a Mexican actor, singer and director.
- Carlos Cordero (footballer)
Carlos Cordero Pérez (born 26 September 1996) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Sporting de Gijón as a left back.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Cordero Numerology: Name Cordero has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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