What does the name Conway mean? What is the meaning of the name Conway
Meaning of Conway: Name Conway in the Celtic, Irish origin, means The hound or gaint of the mountains or plains. Name Conway is of Celtic, Irish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Conway are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Conway: The hound or gaint of the mountains or plains
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Famous people with name Conway (Namesakes)
- Gary Conway
Gary Conway (born Gareth Monello Carmody, February 4, 1936) is an American actor and screenwriter.
- Gerry Conway
Gerard Francis Conway (born September 10, 1952) is an American comic book writer, comic book editor, screenwriter, television writer, and television producer.
- Rob Conway
Robert Thomas Conway Jr. (born November 28, 1974), is an American professional wrestler.
- Lynn Conway
Lynn Ann Conway (born January 2, 1938) is an American computer scientist, electrical engineer, inventor, and transgender activist.
Conway is notable for a number of pioneering achievements, including the Mead & Conway revolution in VLSI design, which incubated an emerging electronic design automation industry.
- Deborah Conway
Deborah Ann Conway (born 8 August 1959) is an Australian rock singer-songwriter and guitarist, and had a career as a model and actress.
- Jon Conway
Jon Conway (born May 6, 1977 in Media, Pennsylvania) is an American retired soccer goalkeeper and current goalkeeping coach for Toronto FC.
- Ron Conway
Ronald Crawford Conway (born March 9, 1951) is an American venture capitalist and philanthropist, often described as one of Silicon Valley's "super angels".
- Nick Conway
Nick Conway (born Nicholas Campbell on 25 December 1962) is an English actor.
- Jack Conway (politician)
John William Conway (born July 5, 1969) is an American politician from Kentucky.
- Curtis Conway
Curtis Lamont Conway (born January 13, 1971) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League.
- Eustace Conway
Eustace Robinson Conway IV (born September 15, 1961, in Columbia, South Carolina) is an American naturalist and the subject of the book The Last American Man by Elizabeth Gilbert.
- Kellyanne Conway
Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway (née Fitzpatrick; born January 20, 1967) is an American pollster, political consultant, and pundit who serves as counselor to the president in the administration of U.S. president Donald Trump.
- Dan Conway
Danny Oliver Conway (born 1 May 1985) is an English cricketer.
- Samuel Conway
Samuel Charles Conway (born June 4, 1965 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania) is an American researcher in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and agrochemical fields of organic chemistry.
- Brett Conway
Brett Alan Conway (born March 8, 1975 in Atlanta) is a former professional American football player.
- William E. Conway Jr.
William E. "Bill" Conway Jr. (born August 27, 1949) is an American businessman and investor.
- Andrew Conway
Andrew Joseph Conway (born 11 July 1991) is an Irish rugby union player for Munster in the Pro14 and European Rugby Champions Cup.
- Devon Conway
Devon Philip Conway (born 8 July 1991) is a South African cricketer who now plays in New Zealand, where he plans to become eligible to represent the New Zealand cricket team.
- George T. Conway III
George Thomas Conway III (born September 2, 1963) is an American attorney.
- Conway the Machine
Demond Price (born February 16, 1982), known professionally as Conway the Machine (or simply Conway), is an American rapper.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Conway Numerology: Name Conway has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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