What does the name Constantino mean? What is the meaning of the name Constantino?
Meaning of Constantino: Name Constantino in the Latin, Spanish origin, means Stable and constant; never undergoes any change. Name Constantino is of Latin, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Constantino are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Constantino: Stable and constant; never undergoes any change
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Famous people with name Constantino (Namesakes)
- Rico Constantino
Americo Sebastiano Constantino (born October 1, 1961) is an American retired professional wrestler and wrestling manager.
- Yeng Constantino
Josephine Eusebio Constantino-Asuncion (born December 4, 1988) is a Filipina pop diva singer-songwriter, occasional actress and host.
- Constantino Zaballa
Constantino Zaballa Gutiérrez (born 15 May 1978 in La Hayuela, Cantabria, Spain) is a Spanish former professional road racing cyclist, best known for winning Clásica de San Sebastián in 2005.
- Mike Constantino
Michael Constantino (born February 5, 1969) is a former U.S. soccer forward.
- Constantino Jaraula
Constantino "Tinnex" Galagnara Jaraula (Born June 20, 1937) is a Philippine politician and former mayor of Cagayan de Oro City, He served as representative of the Lone District of Cagayan de Oro during the 11th, 12th and 13th Congress.
- Constantino Chiwenga
Constantino Guveya Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga (born Constantine Guveya Chiwenga on 25 August 1956) is a Zimbabwean politician and general currently serving, since 2017, as the First Vice-President of Zimbabwe under President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
- Mike Constantino (MMA trainer)
Mike Constantino is a mixed martial arts trainer, who operates the AMA Fight Club in the Whippany section of Hanover Township, New Jersey.
- Constantino Rábade
Constantino "Tino" Rábade Castiñeira (born March 14, 1956) is a Galician actor and playwright.
- Constantino León
Constantino León López (born April 12, 1974 in Pampas, Huancavelica) is a Peruvian marathon runner.
- Erico Constantino da Silva
Erico Constantino da Silva (born 20 July 1989), commonly known as Erico, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a central defender for Sabail.
- Elias Constantino Pereira Filho
Elias Constantino Pereira Filho (born 13 February 1987 in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro), simply known as Elias, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for América Mineiro as a forward.
- Constantino Jardim
Constantino Roberto Santos Jardim (born 15 November 1967), known simply as Constantino, is a Portuguese retired footballer who played as a striker.
- Élton Constantino da Silva
Élton Constantino da Silva (born 20 July 1989), simply known as Élton is a Brazilian professional footballer playing as a midfielder for Ferroviária.
- Constantino Kapambwe
Constantino Kapambwe (born 21 July 1940) is a former long-distance runner.
- Gabriel Constantino
Gabriel Oliveira Constantino (born 9 February 1995) is a Brazilian hurdler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Constantino Numerology: Name Constantino has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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