What does the name Conrad mean? What is the meaning of the name Conrad?
Meaning of Conrad: Name Conrad in the German origin, means Brave; able to fight against tough situations with courage. Name Conrad is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Conrad are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Conrad: Brave; able to fight against tough situations with courage
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Famous people with name Conrad (Namesakes)
- Conrad Black
Conrad Moffat Black, Baron Black of Crossharbour, KCSG (born August 25, 1944), is a Canadian-born British former newspaper publisher, author, and convicted felon.
- Conrad Vernon
Conrad Vernon (born July 11, 1968) is an American voice actor, director, writer and storyboard artist best known for his work on the DreamWorks animated film series Shrek as well as other films such as Monsters vs.
- Jimmy Conrad
James P. Conrad (born February 12, 1977) is an American retired soccer player who played as a defender.
- Kimberley Conrad
Kimberley Conrad (born as Kimberley Conradt; August 6, 1962) is an American model and actress.
- Lauren Conrad
Lauren Katherine Tell (née Conrad; born February 1, 1986) is an American television personality, fashion designer, and author.
- Conrad Janis
Conrad Janis (born February 11, 1928) is an American jazz trombonist and actor.
- Conrad Coleby
Conrad Julius Coleby (born Conrad Julius Taylor, 20 September 1979) is an Australian actor and photographer, whose roles have included Scott Zinenko on the medical drama All Saints, for which he was nominated for a Logie Award, counsellor Adam Wilde in headLand, Roman Harris in Home and Away, and Dylan Mulholland in Sea Patrol.
- David Conrad
David Conrad (born August 17, 1967) is an American actor.
- Brian Conrad
Brian Conrad (born November 20, 1970), is an American mathematician and number theorist, working at Stanford University.
- Conrad Anker
Conrad Anker (born November 27, 1962) is an American rock climber, mountaineer, and author.
- Conrad Dobler
Conrad Francis Dobler (born October 1, 1950) is a retired American football offensive guard in the NFL.
- Jess Conrad
Jess Conrad (born Gerald Arthur James; 24 February 1936) is an English stage and screen actor and singer.
- Conrad Pla
Conrad Pla (born October 24, 1966) is a Canadian actor and former professional kickboxer.
- Conrad Wolfram
Conrad Wolfram (born 10 June 1970) is a British technologist and businessman known for his work in information technology and its application.
- Conrad Sangma
Conrad Kongkal Sangma (born 27 January 1978) is an Indian politician who is the 12th and current Chief Minister of the State of Meghalaya.
- Conrad Murray
Conrad Robert Murray (born February 19, 1953) is a former Grenadian cardiologist.
- Conrad Glass
Conrad Jack Glass (born 20 January 1961) is a Tristanian police inspector and civil servant who was Tristan da Cunha's former Chief Islander from 2007 to 2010.
- Conrad Sewell
Conrad Ignatious Mario Maximilian Sewell (born 31 March 1988) is an Australian singer and songwriter.
- Death of Conrad Roy
Conrad Henri Roy III (September 12, 1995 – July 13, 2014) was an American man who died by suicide at the age of 18 with encouragement from his girlfriend, then 17 year-old Michelle Carter, via text messages.
- Conrad Thompson
Conrad Channing Thompson (born June 27, 1981) is an American mortgage broker and professional wrestling podcast host who presents the podcast Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard, as well as 83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff, What Happened When with Tony Schiavone, Grilling JR with Jim Ross, and The Arn Show with Arn Anderson.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Conrad Numerology: Name Conrad has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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