What does the name Conny mean? What is the meaning of the name Conny?
Meaning of Conny: Name Conny in the Irish origin, means A hero; one who is brave, courageous and is admired by men. Name Conny is of Irish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Conny are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Conny: A hero; one who is brave, courageous and is admired by men
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Famous people with name Conny (Namesakes)
- Conny Bauer
Konrad "Conny" Bauer (born 4 July 1943) is a German free jazz trombonist.
- Conny Andersson (racing driver)
Conny Andersson (born 28 December 1939 in Alingsås, Sweden) is a Swedish former racing driver who participated in Formula One during 1976 and 1977 for the Surtees and BRM teams.
- Conny Torstensson
Conny Torstensson (born 28 August 1949) is a former footballer from Sweden.
- Conny Van Dyke
Conny Van Dyke (born September 28, 1945), sometimes credited as Connie Van Dyke, is an American singer and actress.
- Conny Pohlers
Conny Pohlers (born 16 November 1978, Halle) is a retired German football player.
- Conny Bloom
Conny Bloom is the stage name for Ulf Conny Blomqvist, (born 23 November 1964 in Stockholm) who is a Swedish guitarist and songwriter.
- Conny Hamann
Conny Hamann [born (1969-09-16) 16 September 1969] is a former Danish team handball player and Olympic champion.
- Conny Johansson
Conny Johansson (born July 17, 1971) is a former Swedish football player, who played as goalkeeper and currently works as goalkeeper coach for Halmstads BK.
- Conny Karlsson (footballer)
Conny Karlsson (born 21 November 1953 in Oskarshamn) is a Swedish football manager who currently is coaching the women's team of Stattena IF.
Born in Oskarshamn, he played for local club IFK Oskarshamn before moving to Swedish giants IFK Göteborg, where he won the 1981-82 UEFA Cup.
- Conny Perrin
Conny Perrin (born 25 December 1990) is a Swiss tennis player.
- Conny Andersson (footballer)
Conny Andersson (born 8 April 1945) is a Swedish former footballer.
Andersson was known as the "Butcher of Hardeberga".
- Conny Rosén
Conny Rosén (born 24 March 1971) is a Swedish former footballer who played as a goalkeeper in the Allsvenskan for Helsingborgs IF.
- Conny Strömberg
Conny Strömberg (born November 10, 1975) is a professional Swedish ice hockey player.
- Conny Granqvist
Conny Granqvist (born 30 March 1947) is a former Swedish footballer and manager.
- Conny Månsson
Bengt Conny Mikael Månsson (born 4 January 1980) is a Swedish football player most recently playing as a goalkeeper for Kristiansund.
- Conny Falk
Conny Falk (born 30 November 1966) is a former professional tennis player from Sweden.
- Conny Kissling
Conny Kissling (born 18 July 1961) is a Swiss freestyle skier, world champion and Olympic participant.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Conny Numerology: Name Conny has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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