What does the name Connie mean? What is the meaning of the name Connie
Meaning of Connie: Name Connie in the English origin, means Hero; a courageous person, who is respected and admired by all. Name Connie is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Connie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Connie (Namesakes)
- Connie Chung
Constance Yu-Hwa Chung (born August 20, 1946) is an American journalist.
- Connie Francis
Connie Francis (born Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero; December 12, 1938) is an American pop singer, former actress, and top-charting female vocalist of the late 1950s and early 1960s.
- Connie Stevens
Connie Stevens (born Concetta Rosalie Ann Ingoglia; August 8, 1938) is an American actress, director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer, editor and singer.
- Connie Willis
Constance Elaine Trimmer Willis (born December 31, 1945), commonly known as Connie Willis, is an American science fiction and fantasy writer.
- Connie Sellecca
Connie Sellecca (born Concetta Sellecchia May 25, 1955) is an American actress, producer, and former model, best known for her roles on the television series Flying High, The Greatest American Hero, and Hotel, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama in 1987.
- Connie Smith
Connie Smith (born Constance June Meador; August 14, 1941) is an American country music artist.
- Connie Nielsen
Connie Inge-Lise Nielsen (born 3 July 1965) is a Danish actress whose first major role in an English language film was a supporting role in The Devil's Advocate (1997).
- Connie Schultz
Connie Schultz (born July 21, 1957) is an American writer and journalist.
- Connie Britton
Constance Elaine Britton (née Womack; born March 6, 1967) is an American actress, singer, and producer.
- Connie Hamzy
"Sweet" Connie Hamzy Parente (born January 9, 1955), also called "Sweet Sweet" Connie or Connie Flowers, is an American woman who is known as a groupie who claims to have had sex with numerous rock musicians.
- Connie Powney
Connie Powney (born 22 May 1983 in Eastbourne) is an English actress.
- Connie Chan
Connie Chan Po-chu was born in 1947 to impoverished parents, one of at least nine siblings, in Guangdong, China.
- Connie Needham
Connie Needham (born Connie Marie Bowen; December 5, 1959) is an American actress and dance instructor.
- Connie Fisher
Connie Fisher (born 17 June 1983) is a British actress, singer and TV presenter, who won the BBC One talent contest, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?
On 15 November 2006, she opened to excellent reviews in the part of Maria von Trapp in The Sound of Music in the West End, London on a six-month contract, which was extended until 23 February 2008.
- Connie Hyde
Connie Skov Hyde (born 15 November 1969) is an English actress.
- Connie Ray
Constance "Connie" Ray (born July 10, 1956) is an American actress and playwright.
- Connie Talbot
Connie Victoria Elizabeth Talbot (born 20 November 2000) is an English singer.
- Connie Ferguson
Connie Ferguson (née Masilo, born 10 June 1970) is a Motswana actress, film-maker/ producer and a business woman born in Lobatse, Botswana.
- Connie Achurra
Connie Achurra is a Chilean television chef and healthy eating activist.
- Connie Glynn
Connie Glynn is an internet celebrity and author.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Connie Numerology: Name Connie has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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