What does the name Coby mean? What is the meaning of the name Coby
Meaning of Coby: Name Coby in the English origin, means One who acts as a supplanter; one who replaces or takes place of someone else. Name Coby is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Coby are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Coby: One who acts as a supplanter; one who replaces or takes place of someone else
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Famous people with name Coby (Namesakes)
- Jacoby Shaddix
Jacoby Dakota Shaddix (born July 28, 1976) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, rapper, TV presenter and actor.
- Rudy Coby
Rudy Coby (born Rudolph Coby; April 22, 1964), also known as "Labman", is an American comedic magician.
- Coby Bell
Coby Scott Bell (born May 11, 1975) is an American actor.
- Coby Karl
Coby Joseph Karl (born June 8, 1983) is an American professional basketball coach and former basketball player who is currently head coach for the South Bay Lakers of the NBA G League.
- Coby Dietrick
Coby Joseph Dietrick (born July 23, 1948) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Coby Rhinehart
Jacoby Rhinehart (born February 7, 1977 in Dallas, Texas) is a former professional Canadian football who played for Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League.
- Coby Miller
Coby Miller (born October 19, 1976 in Ackerman, Mississippi) is an American track and field athlete, who specialises in the sprint events.
- Coby Fleener
Jacoby Fleener (born September 20, 1988) is an American football tight end who is a free agent.
- Jeff Coby
Jeffrey Réginald Coby (born February 4, 1994) is a Haitian-American professional basketball player for the Austin Spurs of the NBA G League.
- Coby White
Alec Jacoby "Coby" White (born February 16, 2000) is an American professional basketball player for the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Coby Iwaasa
Coby Iwaasa (born June 19, 1996) is a Canadian racquetball player.
- Coby (musician)
Slobodan Veljković (Serbian Cyrillic: Слободан Вељковић; [slobǒdan ʋěːʎkoʋitɕ]; born 11 April 1985), known professionally as Coby (Serbian Cyrillic: Цоби; [ˈtsobi]), is a Serbian rapper, songwriter and record producer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Coby Numerology: Name Coby has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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