What does the name Clerc mean? What is the meaning of the name Clerc
Meaning of Clerc: Name Clerc in the English origin, means Derived from the word 'Clerk' or 'secretary'. Also means intelligent in Latin. Name Clerc is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Clerc are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Clerc: Derived from the word 'Clerk' or 'secretary'. Also means intelligent in Latin
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Clerc
Famous people with name Clerc (Namesakes)
- Laurent Clerc (athlete)
Laurent Clerc (born 12 April 1972) is a Swiss sprinter.
- Vincent Clerc
Vincent Clerc (born 7 May 1981) is a former French rugby union player who played on the wing.
- Jean LeClerc (actor)
Jean LeClerc (born July 7, 1948, in Montreal, Quebec) is a Québécois actor.
- José Luis Clerc
José Luis Clerc (born 16 August 1958) is a former Argentine professional tennis player, and one of the most important Argentine players in history.
- Julien Clerc
Paul Alain Leclerc (born 4 October 1947), better known by his stage name Julien Clerc (pronounced [ʒy.ljɛ̃ klɛʁ]), is a French singer-songwriter.
- François Clerc
François Jacques Clerc (born 18 April 1983) is a French former professional footballer who played as a right back.
- Aurélien Clerc
Aurélien Clerc (born 26 August 1979 in Vevey) is a Swiss former professional road bicycle racer who last rode for UCI ProTour team Ag2r–La Mondiale.
- Serge Clerc
Serge Clerc (born 12 October 1957) is a French comic book artist and illustrator.
- Carlos Clerc
Carlos Clerc Martínez (born 21 February 1992) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Levante UD as a left back.
- Roland Le Clerc
Roland Le Clerc (born 30 May 1963) is a former French racing cyclist.
- Patrick Clerc
Patrick Clerc (born 20 September 1957) is a French former professional racing cyclist.
- Redjean Clerc
Redjean Clerc (born (1970-01-01)1 January 1970) is a Swiss male weightlifter, competing in the 77 kg category and representing Switzerland at international competitions.
- Mialitiana Clerc
Mialitiana Clerc (born 16 November 2001 in Ambohitrimanjaka, Madagascar) is an alpine skier from Madagascar.
- Émile Clerc
Émile Clerc (born 5 June 1934) is a French rower.
- Jean-Louis le Clerc
Jean-Louis le Clerc (born 19 January 1940) is a Belgian field hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Clerc Numerology: Name Clerc has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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