What does the name Clay mean? What is the meaning of the name Clay?
Meaning of Clay: Name Clay in the English origin, means Mortal; one who is subjected to death any moment of his life. Name Clay is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Clay are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Clay (Namesakes)
- Clay Aiken
Clayton Holmes "Clay" Aiken (born Clayton Holmes Grissom; November 30, 1978) is an American singer, television personality, actor, political candidate, and activist.
- Lacy Clay
William Lacy Clay Jr. (born July 27, 1956) is an American politician who is the U.S. Representative from Missouri's 1st congressional district, serving since 2001.
- Andrew Dice Clay
Andrew Dice Clay (born Andrew Clay Silverstein; September 29, 1957) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, musician and producer.
- Bill Clay
William Lacy Clay Sr. (born April 30, 1931) is an American politician from Missouri.
- Clay Walker
Ernest Clayton Walker Jr. (born August 19, 1969) is an American country music artist.
- Clay Bellinger
Clayton Daniel Bellinger (born November 18, 1968) is a former Major League Baseball player.
- William Clay Ford Jr.
William Clay Ford Jr. (born May 3, 1957) is an American businessman, serving as executive chairman of Ford Motor Company.
- Clay Travis
Richard Clay Travis (born April 6, 1979) is an American sports journalist, writer, television analyst, and the morning radio show host for nationwide Fox Sports Radio from 6-9 a.m.
- Clay Cook
Douglas "Clay" Cook (born April 20, 1978) is an American songwriter, producer, and musician who is best known as a member of the Zac Brown Band.
- Clay Guida
Clayton "The Carpenter" Guida (; born December 8, 1981) is an American professional mixed martial artist, currently signed to the UFC competing in the Lightweight division.
- Clay Matthews III
William Clay Matthews III (born May 14, 1986) is an American football outside linebacker who is a free agent.
- Clay Harbor
Clayton Lee Harbor (born July 2, 1987) is an American football tight end for the XFL's Team 9 practice squad.
- Clay Pell
Herbert Claiborne Pell IV (born November 17, 1981) is an American lawyer, military officer, and politician.
- Clay Helton
Charles Clay Helton (born June 24, 1972) is an American football coach and former player.
- Barnaby Clay
Barnaby "Barney" Clay (born 15 May 1973) is a British film and music video director.
- Clay Higgins
Glen Clay Higgins (born August 24, 1961) is an American Republican politician, reserve law enforcement officer from the state of Louisiana.
- Cautious Clay
- Clay Jenkins
Clay Jenkins (born March 26, 1964) is an American lawyer and politician.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Clay Numerology: Name Clay has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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