What does the name Claus mean? What is the meaning of the name Claus?
Meaning of Claus: Name Claus in the German, Scandinavian origin, means The victory of the men; victory of the people; represents triumph. Name Claus is of German, Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Claus are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Claus: The victory of the men; victory of the people; represents triumph
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Famous people with name Claus (Namesakes)
- Count Claus-Casimir of Orange-Nassau
Count Claus-Casimir of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg (Claus-Casimir Bernhard Marius Max; born 21 March 2004), is the second child of Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands and their only son.
- Claus Hessler
Claus Hessler, also spelled Claus Heßler, is a German drummer, author, and teacher.
- Claus Jensen
Claus William Jensen (born 29 April 1977) is a Danish professional football manager, and former player who is the manager of Danish 1st Division club Nykøbing FC. During his active playing career, he played as an attacking midfielder.
- Claus Norreen
Claus Norreen (born 5 June 1970, Charlottenlund, Denmark) is a Danish musician and record producer known for being a part of the band Aqua, which sold around 33 million records.
- Claus Lundekvam
Claus Lundekvam (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈklæ̀ʉs ˈlʉ̂nːəkvɑm]; born 22 February 1973) is a former Norwegian footballer, who spent most of his career at English side Southampton.
- Hildrun Laufer-Claus
Hildrun Laufer-Claus (née Claus; born 13 May 1939) is a former East German athlete.
- Claus P. Schnorr
Claus-Peter Schnorr (born 4 August 1943) is a German mathematician and cryptographer.
- Claus Nielsen
Claus Illemann Nielsen (born 13 January 1964), known as Claus Nielsen, is a Danish former football player in the forward position.
- Claus Lessmann
Claus Leßmann (born 11 September 1960) is a German heavy metal singer and former lead singer of the heavy metal band, Bonfire.
- Claus Kleber
Claus Kleber (born 2 September 1955 in Reutlingen) is a German journalist and former lawyer.
- Claus Costa
Claus Costa (born 15 June 1984) is a German footballer who plays for Viktoria Köln.
- Claus Reitmaier
- Todd Claus
Todd W. Claus (born March 24, 1969) is an American baseball scout.
- Claus Rasmussen
Claus Rasmussen (born 31 December 1957) is a Danish former cyclist.
- Claus Pilgaard
Claus Pilgaard (born 30 March 1965, Herning), also known as Chili Klaus or Klaus Wunderhits, is a Danish musician and entertainer.
- Claus Bonderup
Claus Bonderup (born 14 November 1943) is a Danish architect and professor emeritus in architecture at Aalborg University.
- Claus Strunz
Claus Strunz (born 29 September 1966 in Münchberg/Upper Franconia) is a German journalist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Claus Numerology: Name Claus has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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