What does the name Claudia mean? What is the meaning of the name Claudia
Meaning of Claudia: Name Claudia in the English, Spanish, Latin origin, means As mentioned in the New Testament, it is the feminine form of 'Claudius', a 7th century saint. Name Claudia is of English, Spanish, Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Claudia are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Claudia: As mentioned in the New Testament, it is the feminine form of 'Claudius', a 7th century saint
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Famous people with name Claudia (Namesakes)
- Claudia Tagbo
Claudia Tagbo (born 14 June 1973) is a French-Ivorian actress, comedian and TV personality.
- Claudia Schiffer
Claudia Maria Schiffer (German pronunciation: [ˈklaʊ̯di̯a ˈʃɪfɐ]; born 25 August 1970) is a German model, actress, fashion designer, and executive producer, based in the United Kingdom.
- Claudia Christian
Claudia Ann Christian (born Claudia Ann Coghlan; August 10, 1965) is an American actress and singer, known for her role as Commander Susan Ivanova on the science fiction television series Babylon 5.
- Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Anne Winkleman (born 15 January 1972) is an English television presenter, model, film critic, radio personality, and journalist.
- Claudia Wells
Claudia Grace Wells (born July 5, 1966) is an American actress and businesswoman, best known for her role as Jennifer Parker in the film Back to the Future (1985).
- Claudia Jordan
Claudia Angela Jordan (born April 12, 1973) is an American actress, model, reality television and radio personality.
- Claudia Koll
Claudia Koll (born Claudia Maria Rosaria Colacione; 17 May 1965) is an Italian actress.
- Claudia Ciesla
Claudia Ciesla (born 12 February 1987) is a Polish-German-Indian film actress and model.
- Claudia Gerini
Claudia Gerini (Italian: [ˈklaudja dʒeˈriːni]; born 18 December 1971) is an Italian actress and showgirl.
- Claudia Mori
Claudia Mori (born Claudia Moroni, Rome, 12 February 1944), is an Italian actress, singer, television producer, and wife of the singer Adriano Celentano.
- Claudia Lee
Claudia Lee (born June 20, 1996) is an American actress, singer and songwriter best known for her role as Magnolia Breeland on the CW comedy-drama Hart of Dixie.
- Claudia Álvarez
Claudia Álvarez (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈklawðja ˈalβaɾes]; born Claudia Álvarez Ocampo on October 6, 1981 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actress and model.
- Claudia Black
Claudia Lee Black (born 1972) is an Australian actress and voice actress, best known for her portrayals of Aeryn Sun in Farscape, Vala Mal Doran in Stargate SG-1 and Sharon "Shazza" Montgomery in the film Pitch Black.
- Claudia Kim
Kim Soo-hyun (born January 25, 1985), also known as Claudia Kim Shampine, is a Korean–American actress and model.
- Claudia Ramírez
Claudia Ramírez (born Claudia Julieta Ramírez Valdez on July 30, 1964 in Minatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Claudia Traisac
Claudia Hernandez Traisac (born 14 December 1992) is a Spanish actress.
- Claudia Martín
Claudia Martín (born Claudia Martín Martínez on 28 August 1989 in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Claudia Sheinbaum
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo (born 24 June 1962) is a Mexican scientist, politician, and Mayor of Mexico City.
- Masid
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Claudia Numerology: Name Claudia has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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