What does the name Clarence mean? What is the meaning of the name Clarence?
Meaning of Clarence: Name Clarence in the English, Latin origin, means A carriage that is horse-drawn that has 4 seatings. Name Clarence is of English, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Clarence are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Clarence: A carriage that is horse-drawn that has 4 seatings
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Famous people with name Clarence (Namesakes)
- Clarence Williams III
Clarence Williams III (born August 21, 1939) is an American actor.
- Clarence Mason
Herman Stevens Jr. (born June 17, 1965) is an American attorney and former professional wrestling manager, best known for his attorney gimmicks as Clarence Mason in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and as J. Biggs in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) from 1999–2000.
- Clarence Seedorf
Clarence Clyde Seedorf (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈklɛrəns ˈseːdɔrf] (listen); born 1 April 1976) is a Dutch professional football coach and former player.
- Clarence Gilyard
Clarence Alfred Gilyard Jr. (born December 24, 1955) is an American actor, college professor, and author who has been featured in movies, television and regional theatre since 1980.
- Clarence Carter
Clarence George Carter (born January 14, 1936) is an American blues and soul singer, musician, songwriter and record producer.
- Clarence Page
Clarence Page (born June 2, 1947) is an American journalist, syndicated columnist, and senior member of the Chicago Tribune editorial board.
- Clarence Goodson
Clarence Edgar Goodson IV (born May 17, 1982) is an American former soccer player who played as a defender.
- Clarence "Frogman" Henry
Clarence Henry II (born March 19, 1937), known as Clarence "Frogman" Henry, is an American rhythm and blues singer and pianist, best known for his hits "Ain't Got No Home" (1956) and "(I Don't Know Why) But I Do" (1961).
- Clarence Weatherspoon
Clarence Weatherspoon, Sr. (born September 8, 1970) is a former American professional basketball player in the NBA born in Crawford, Mississippi.
- Clarence Acuña
Clárence Williams Acuña Donoso (born February 8, 1975 in Rancagua) is a Chilean former professional football player.
- Clarence Avant
- Clarence Thomas
Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American judge, lawyer, and government official who currently serves as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
- Clarence Bitang
Clarence Junior Bitang (sometimes referred to as Clarence Batang) (born September 2, 1992) is a Cameroonian footballer playing for FC Kaisar in the Kazakhstan Premier League as a Midfielder.
- Juma Clarence
Juma Clarence (born 17 March 1989) is a Trinidadian international footballer who plays for Police FC, as a striker.
- Clarence Delgado
Clarence William Delgado (born December 15, 2004) commonly known and familiar as Clarence, is a Filipino teen actor.
- Clarence Elkins
Clarence Arnold Elkins Sr. (born January 19, 1963) is an American man who was wrongfully convicted of the 1998 rape and murder of his mother-in-law, Judith Johnson, Melinda Elkins's mother, and the rape and assault of his wife's niece, Brooke.
- Clarence Cummings
Clarence Cummings Jr. (also known as CJ Cummings) (born 6 June 2000) is an American weightlifter, Pan American Champion and four time Junior World Champion, competing in the 69 kg category until 2018 and 73 kg starting in 2018 after the International Weightlifting Federation reorganized the categories.
- Clarence Hawkins
Clarence Hawkins (born July 15, 1956) is a former American football running back.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Clarence Numerology: Name Clarence has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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