What does the name Clare mean? What is the meaning of the name Clare
Meaning of Clare: Name Clare in the English, Latin origin, means Derived from the name of an English river. Name Clare is of English, Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Clare are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Clare (Namesakes)
- Clare Short
Clare Short (born 15 February 1946) is a British Labour Party politician.
- Clare Kramer
Clare Elizabeth Kramer (born September 3, 1974) is an American actress best known for her starring role as the big bad Glory in the 2000-2001 season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and for her role as Courtney in Bring It On.
- Clare Grogan
Claire Patricia Grogan (born 17 March 1962), known professionally as Clare Grogan or sometimes as C. P. Grogan, is a Scottish actress and singer.
- Clare Torry
Clare H. Torry (born 29 November 1947) is a British singer, best known for performing the wordless vocals on the song "The Great Gig in the Sky" by the group Pink Floyd on their 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon.
- Clare Nasir
Clare Nasir (born 20 June 1970) is an English meteorologist, author, and TV presenter.
- Clare Thomas
Clare Lucy Thomas (born 2 April 1989 in Buckinghamshire, England) is a British actress who has appeared in several British films and television series.
- Clare Balding
Clare Victoria Balding (born 29 January 1971) is a broadcaster, journalist and author.
- Clare Carey
Clare Carey (born June 11, 1967) is an Rhodesian-born American film and television actress.
- Dustin Clare
Dustin Clare is an Australian actor.
- Clare Holman
Clare Margaret Holman (born 12 January 1964) is an English actress.
- Clare Buckfield
Clare Buckfield (born 10 April 1976) is an English actress, best known for playing the role of Jenny Porter in the BBC sitcom 2point4 Children for most of the nineties and Natasha Stevens in the CBBC series Grange Hill.
- Clare Higgins
Clare Frances Elizabeth Higgins (born 10 November 1955) is an English actress.
- Cassandra Clare
- Clare Grant
Clare Camille Johnson (born August 23, 1979), known professionally as Clare Grant, is an American actress, model and producer.
- Clare Bronfman
Clare Bronfman (born 1979) is an American heiress and former equestrian.
- Clare Foley
Clare Foley (born September 24, 2001) is an American actress.
- Clare Crawley
Clare Crawley (born March 20, 1981) is an American television personality, best known for her role as the runner-up on the 18th season of ABC's The Bachelor and as the lead of the 16th season of The Bachelorette.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Clare Numerology: Name Clare has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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