What does the name Clair mean? What is the meaning of the name Clair?
Meaning of Clair: Name Clair in the French origin, means One who is clear, bright, shiny; one who is famous. Name Clair is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Clair are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Clair: One who is clear, bright, shiny; one who is famous
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Famous people with name Clair (Namesakes)
- John St. Clair
John Bradley St.
- Jean-Clair Todibo
Jean-Clair Dimitri Roger Todibo (born 30 December 1999) is a French professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for German club Schalke 04, on loan from Barcelona.
- Claire Danes
Claire Catherine Danes (born April 12, 1979) is an American actress.
- Brian McClair
Brian John McClair (born 8 December 1963) is a Scottish former professional footballer.
- Jasmin St. Claire
Jasmin St.
- Lindi St Clair
Marian June Akin (born 11 August 1952), formerly known professionally as Lindi St Clair or Lindi St Claire, is a British author, leader of the Corrective Party, and campaigner for prostitutes' rights.
Originally a prostitute, but now retired and confirmed as a Christian, in 1993 St Clair accused the Inland Revenue in the High Court of England of being "Her Majesty's pimps", and living off immoral earnings, after its classification of prostitution as a trade in a high-profile court case.
- Jany Clair
Jany Clair (born 2 September 1938) is a retired French actress.
- Jean Clair
Jean Clair (French: [klɛʁ]) is the nom de plume (pen name) of Gérard Régnier (born 20 October 1940 in Paris, France).
- Jessica St. Clair
Jessica St.
- Clair Bidez
Clair Bidez is an American former professional snowboarder and research analyst.
- Cyrielle Clair
Cyrielle Clair (born 1 December 1955) is a French actress.
- Tony St. Clair
Tony St.
- Tia-Clair Toomey
Tia-Clair Toomey (born 22 July 1993) is an Australian weightlifter and CrossFit Games athlete.
- Evie Clair
Evelyn Clair Abplanalp (born December 2, 2003), known professionally as Evie Clair, is a musical artist and reality television personality who appeared on the twelfth season of the talent competition series America's Got Talent.
- Clair Fearnley
Clair-Louise Fearnley (born 7 March 1975) is an Australian long-distance runner.
- Blair St. Clair
Blair St.
- Harvey St Clair
Harvey St Clair (born 13 November 1998) is a Scottish footballer currently playing as a forward for Scottish Premiership club Kilmarnock, on loan from Serie B side Venezia.
- Dayne St. Clair
Dayne St.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Clair Numerology: Name Clair has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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