What does the name Ciprian mean? What is the meaning of the name Ciprian
Meaning of Ciprian: Name Ciprian in the Roman origin, means A martyr and a bishop under the emperor Valerian. Name Ciprian is of Roman origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ciprian are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ciprian: A martyr and a bishop under the emperor Valerian
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Famous people with name Ciprian (Namesakes)
- Ciprian Lucaci
Ciprian Lucaci (born 9 January 1996) is a Romanian rugby union football player.
- Ciprian Panait
- Ciprian Marica
Ciprian Andrei Marica (Romanian pronunciation: [t͡ʃipriˈan anˈdrej ˈmarika]; born 2 October 1985) is a Romanian former professional footballer.
- Ciprian Gălățanu
Ciprian Gălățanu (born 27 November 1989) is a Romanian sabre fencer, team silver medallist in the 2013 World Fencing Championships.
- Ciprian Perju
- Ciprian Manolescu
Ciprian Manolescu (born December 24, 1978) is a Romanian-American mathematician, working in gauge theory, symplectic geometry, and low-dimensional topology.
- Ciprian Deac
Ciprian Ioan Deac (Romanian pronunciation: [t͡ʃipriˈan iˈo̯an ˈde̯ak] or [deˈak]; born 16 February 1986) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a winger or an attacking midfielder for CFR Cluj and the Romania national team.
- Ciprian Suciu
Ciprian Paul Suciu (born 22 January 1987) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a forward.
- Ciprian Tătărușanu
Anton Ciprian Tătărușanu (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈton t͡ʃipriˈan tətəruˈʃanu]; born 9 February 1986) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for French club Lyon and the Romania national team.
- Ciprian Tănasă
Ciprian Ion Tănasă (born 2 February 1981 in Fălticeni, Suceava) is a Romanian footballer who plays for Liga IV side Vedița Colonești.
- Ciprian Dianu
Ciprian Virgil Dianu (born 13 January 1977) is a Romanian former football player, currently the manager of Luceafărul Oradea.
- Ciprian Petre
Ciprian Cătălin Petre (born 10 December 1980) is a Romanian football player who plays as winger for CSM Focșani.
- Ciprian Milea
- Ciprian Prodan
Ciprian Cornel Prodan (born 28 April 1979 in Satu Mare, Satu Mare County) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a striker.
- Ciprian Danciu
Ciprian Danciu (born 9 June 1977) is a Romanian former football player and currently a manager.
- Ciprian Brata
Ciprian Florin Brata (born 24 March 1991) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a midfielder for ACSF Comuna Recea.
- Ciprian Dinu
Ciprian Dinu (born 27 May 1982) is a Romanian footballer who plays for Liga IV club Flacăra Horezu.
- Ciprian Negoiță
- Ciprian Selagea
- Ciprian Răduțoiu
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Ciprian Numerology: Name Ciprian has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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