What does the name Churchill mean? What is the meaning of the name Churchill
Meaning of Churchill: Name Churchill in the English origin, means One who lives at the Church hill. Name Churchill is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Churchill are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Churchill (Namesakes)
- James Spencer-Churchill, 12th Duke of Marlborough
Charles James Spencer-Churchill, 12th Duke of Marlborough (born 24 November 1955), styled Earl of Sunderland until March 1972 and Marquess of Blandford until October 2014, and often known as Jamie Blandford or Jamie Marlborough, is an English peer and the current Duke of Marlborough.
- Chick Churchill
- Churchill Alemao
Churchill Braz Alemao is a former Chief Minister and former MP of the 14th Lok Sabha of India.
- Graeme Churchill
Graeme Churchill (born 20 July 1987) is a Scottish former football striker who played for Falkirk and Stirling Albion.
- James Paul Churchill
James Paul Churchill (born August 10, 1924) is an inactive Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
- Zach Churchill
Zachariah Churchill (born May 25, 1984) is a Canadian politician from Nova Scotia.
- Andrew Churchill
Andrew John Churchill (born 27 November 1970) is an English cricketer.
- Matthew Churchill
Matthew Churchill FRSA (born 1966, England), is a producer of theatre and live events.
- Bob Churchill
John Robert "Bob" Churchill (born 21 February 1939) is a former three positional small bore rifle shooter, who shot for the British National team in the seventies and eighties.
- Kim Churchill
Kim Churchill (born 26 September 1990 in Canberra) is an Australian folk, rock, and blues singer, songwriter, and musician.
- George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford
George John Godolphin Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford (born 28 July 1992), styled as Earl of Sunderland until 2014, is a British aristocrat and polo player.
- Jo Churchill
Johanna Peta Churchill (born 18 March 1964) is a British Conservative Party politician who currently serves as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health.
- David Churchill
David Churchill (born 18 August 1963) is a Canadian swimmer.
- Douglas Churchill
Douglas Churchill (born 7 November 1948) is an Australian judoka.
- Lady Rosemary Spencer-Churchill
Lady Rosemary Mildred Muir (née Spencer-Churchill; born 24 July 1929) is an English aristocrat who served as a maid of honour to Elizabeth II at her coronation in 1953.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Churchill Numerology: Name Churchill has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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