What does the name Chul mean? What is the meaning of the name Chul
Meaning of Chul: Name Chul in the Korean origin, means Firm; something that is neither soft nor very hard. Name Chul is of Korean origin and is a Boy name. People with name Chul are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chul (Namesakes)
- Park Chul-min
Park Chul-min (born January 18, 1967) is a South Korean actor.
- Lee Hyung-chul
Lee Hyung-chul (born February 19, 1971) is a South Korean actor.
- Park Jung-chul
Park Jung-chul (born Park Chul on November 5, 1976) is a South Korean actor.
- Choi Dae-chul
Choi Dae-chul (born Choi Won-chul on October 16, 1978) is a South Korean actor.
- Kim Kyu-chul
Kim Kyu-chul (born April 6, 1960) is a South Korean actor.
- Baek Chul-min
Baek Chul-min is South Korean actor and model.
- Jung Eui-chul
Jung Eui-chul (born April 19, 1985) is a South Korean model and actor.
- Hong Chul
- Kim Jong-chul
Kim Jong-chul (born 25 September 1981), sometimes spelled Kim Jong Chol, is a son of former North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il.
- Yoo Young-chul
Yoo Young-chul (유영철) (born 18 April 1970) is a South Korean serial killer and self-confessed cannibal.
- Kim Hee-chul
Kim Hee-chul (born July 10, 1983), better known by the mononym Heechul, is a South Korean singer, songwriter, actor and presenter.
- Lee Seung-chul
Lee Seung-chul (Korean: 이승철; Hanja: 李承哲; born December 5, 1966) is a South Korean singer best known for the hit songs, "My Love", "Never Ending Story", and "Girls' Generation".
- Noh Hong-chul
Noh Hong-chul (Korean: 노홍철 盧弘喆; born 31 March 1979) is a South Korean entertainer and entrepreneur.
- Baek In-chul
In-Chul Baek (born December 20, 1961) is a Korean professional boxer in the super middleweight division who held the World Boxing Association and Lineal super middleweight championship.
- Kang Chul
Kang Chul (born November 2, 1971) is a South Korean football player who played as a defender.
- Kim Young-chul (comedian)
Kim Young-chul (Korean: 김영철; Hanja: 金榮澈; born June 23, 1974), is a South Korean comedian and singer.
- Won Yoo-chul
Won Yoo-chul (born October 25, 1962) is a South Korean politician.
- Choi Min-chul
Choi Min-chul (born November 9, 1976) is a South Korean actor.
- Shim Jae-chul
Shim Jae-chul (Korean: 심재철; Hanja: 沈在哲 RR: Sim Jae-cheol; born 18 January 1958) is a South Korean journalist and politician.
- Beak Jong-chul
Beak Jong-chul (born October 9, 1975) is a South Korean male curler and curling coach.
At the international level, he is a 2006 Pacific-Asia silver medallist and 2007 Asian Winter Games champion curler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Chul Numerology: Name Chul has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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